Tips for Traveling with Your Dog in the Car. It is often said that the dog is man’s best friend. In most cases, the pet ends up becoming one more member of the family, with all that means.
That’s why when the holidays come many people plan to take their pet instead of leaving it at home.
It was once more difficult to do so, but today there are many options and places prepared for it. Although traveling with your dog in the car requires some preparation.
Carrying an animal in a car hundreds of kilometers and for several hours has its complexity. The most important thing before embarking on the adventure is safety. Both for people and for the animal itself.
That is why we offer you these tips so that the trip is safe and pleasant, and together you enjoy a well-deserved vacation.
Here some tips for traveling with your dog in the Car
1. Previous indications
The dog is an animal with a lot of sensitivity and in which education plays a very important role. If you have already reached the adult stage and have never ridden a car. The journey will be more complicated in the face of that lack of habit and insecurity that could generate the animal.
It is recommended that the owner is accustomed to the dog since puppy. Working this aspect so that it is related as something positive and pleasant.
This period of socialization should begin with short journeys. Gradually increasing the distance. It is always better a positive association of the animal with respect to the car, something that can be obtained with prizes every time you get on it. The dog should also gradually become accustomed to the type of retention system to be used during travel, especially if it is a carrier.
2. Health and documentation
Animal health always goes first. When you are going to make a long road trip it is very important to have checked that everything is going well through a visit to the veterinarian. We must ensure that the vaccines are up to date. That the corresponding deparasitation has been performed and that there is no problem.
You can also ask for a product that prevents dizziness. It could be useful if the dog has already suffered them on other trips.
When the dog travels, like a person. He has to carry his documentation on him. The identification chip is mandatory and will be of great help in the event that it is lost. The same as the censal plate, which proves that it is registered in the corresponding locality.
To this should be added the health card that proves the good health of the animal. In the event that it is listed as a potentially dangerous dog it is also mandatory to carry the license and liability insurance.

3. Accessories and preparation
The trip has to be planned in time and take into account everything about the pet that needs to be taken. The most basic thing is to have enough food for those days that you’re going to be away from home.
To that we also have to add other things like his usual toys or treats. Which will help him feel at ease even outside his usual environment. If necessary, you can make a visit to the trusted store and see what else might be convenient.
In this regard, it is also mandatory to have the travel accessory prepared and that it is in perfect condition. Whether it’s the harness, the dividing grille or the carrier; you have to verify that they perform their function correctly and replace them otherwise.
As we are going to travel by car and may get dirty. It is convenient to have available a hand vacuum cleaner or even a special brush for the hairs left in the body.
4. Before you leave
It is important that the dog is in aid at least two hours before the trip. If I rode in the newly eaten car the odds of dizziness would be much higher and could end up in vomiting. An uncomfortable situation for both the poor animal and the owner.
It is important to bring fresh water and a suitable container so that the dog can drink during the trip and stay properly hydrated, especially in summer.
If the pet is prone to dizziness, the veterinarian may be consulted to give it any antihetic medicinal products.
Similarly, if you have a restless personality and/or become very nervous during travel, you can try some natural remedies to reduce anxiety. Valerian or pasiflora are some of the most recommended for having no side effects (always consult with a professional before).
5. Be clear about your site
It is of the utmost importance that you define a place for your dog and preferably have it held, as it could end up in accident if it distracts the driver, interferes with the driving or if he pulls his head out the window.
Not to mention that in case of braking or impact, the dog would be fired and could cause very serious damage to their health and even that of the occupants if they are hit. So you have to be clear about the animal’s place in the car.
Here are three options:
- Harness. There are harnesses that can be adapted to the seat belt or Isofix and that well retain the dog in the rear seats. Do not trust the collars, as they do not hold the whole body of the animal.
- Dividing grille. It has to be rigid to separate the trunk from the rest of the cabin and the dog will travel back.
- Carrier. The safest method, if small goes inside the cabin (on the floor of the rear seats) and if it is large it goes in the trunk and near the back of the second row.
6. Place the load
If the dog is going to go in the trunk you have to try to fix the suitcases with hooks or nets so that its movement can not cause damage to the animal.
Depending on its size. You will need to have a clear area that allows you to move (even if it is subjected) so that it is at ease and does not get overwhelmed. If you can. Put some lumps in the back seats to get it.
If the dog goes with a harness in the rear seats the same principle applies. Everything we can carry in the trunk better. Special covers that cover the seats are also highly recommended so that the car’s upholstery is as stained as possible.
7. During the journey
We have to leave on the basis that a long drive is not going to be something relaxing for a dog. That’s why conditions have to be the most beneficial for the animal. Ventilation is very important, especially in summer. As high temperatures could have negative consequences on our pet.
That doesn’t mean you have to be with your head out of the window (to always avoid). But it’s time to use the air conditioner and renew the air from time to time (especially if it’s in the trunk), tips for traveling with your dog in the car
They will also be very affected by movement, so it is advisable that the driving is quiet and smooth. The sudden movements will only make the animal more nervous and have a worse time during the trip.
It is also not advisable to put the music very loud, do not forget that your ear is much more developed than ours. In some cars you can direct the sound only to the front seats and leave the rear seats quieter.
8. Stops
We can’t make a 500-kilometre journey non-stop when traveling with a dog. For the driver it is also not too recommended. So let’s apply the principle of stalling every two hours to rest a little and stretch the legs.
The pet will thank you and so you will have the opportunity to do your needs and free yourself a little.
If we plan the route well we can find very advantageous rest areas, even there are already some that have their own pet area, where the dog will enjoy even more.
Another detail to keep in mind when making a stop: before opening the car door or the trunk we have to verify that we have the dog attached, since it could run away and that another car ran over it.
9. Never alone in the car
Last but not least, never leave the dog alone in the car. With the temperatures so high in the summer, the cabin of a vehicle in the sun reaches levels that can affect the health of the animal in a very short time since it can suffer a heat stroke. The most effective is not to lock the pet there , not even with the windows down.
Here are some tips for traveling with your dog in the car