Baby Bulldogs. Learn more about the English Bulldogs. Thinking about buying a dog? but not just any dog, you want a Bulldog, it’s time to learn more about these beautiful animals. In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about Babys Bulldogs, read on.
First, you should know that there are currently three different types of bulldog dogs: English, American and French. In this article we focus our attention on the English Bulldog, however, we will mention some differences it has with the French bulldog and the American bulldog.
The main differences between French bulldog and English bulldog are:
1. Size
Size is one of the features they don’t share. The English bulldog weighs approximately 30 kilos and is about 50 centimeters tall, while french is not more than 15 kilos and 30 centimeters. However, both have robust appearance and strong body.
2. Ears
Another big difference between English bulldog and French bulldog is the shape of the ears. The first features ears of size proportional to its head, which ‘look’ down and the sides. In the case of the second, they are very large, they are always upright and stand out from their head. That’s why it’s known as the ‘bat dog’.
3. Head and face
Although both are brachycephalic, i.e. they have a flatned snout, there are some interesting differences regarding the head of each breed. The French bulldog is more proportionate in relation to the body and that of English, in addition to being square and huge, presents its famous ‘folds’ that reach it to the jowl.
4. Character
The English bulldogs are very quiet, and they don’t like to exercise or effort much. French bulldogs, on the other hand, are usually quite restless and playful, as long as it’s not too hot.
5. Home adaptation
The English bulldog is chosen mainly by people who live in a house as it is larger. French, on the other hand, is selected by families or couples living in apartments, due to its small size.
6. Power supply
The English Bulldog is very prone to obesity, because it loves to eat and not exercise. French, meantime, doesn’t usually eat too much and likes to exercise more.

Regarding the American Bulldog
This type of Bulldog is the least common of the three, and also the easiest to differentiate. Besides, we found two guys: Scott and Johnson. Although his face is similar to those of the English and French Bulldog, his body is very different.
The main difference is that it is the highest of the three, can reach a height of up to 70 centimeters and weigh 55 kilograms.
It needs more exercise than the English and French Bulldog, so it is a very active dog. It is ideal for athletes and a great companion when it comes to sports. He’ll be looking forward to going for a run and he’ll never say no to a great walk.

History of the English Bulldog
There are indications that the English bulldog developed in the British Isles before the 13th century. And he was christened for his use in the sport of bullfighting. One of the few references that exist about this sport dates back to 1209, and speaks of the dog of a butcher chasing a bull through the English city of Stamford. That persecution pleased both the Count of the city that he inaugurated the bullfights and sport in his domains.
This activity came to be considered a true sport of all social classes, however, in the last third of the thirteenth century it was forbidden to possess large specimens by the lower social classes, so they developed lines of small dogs, but of great fierceness.
By the mid-19th century dogfights were banned, but as we all know they endured underground even to this day, not only in Britain.
Features of the English Bulldog
- Height at the cross: 30 to 40 cm
- Weight: Between 25 and 30 kg.
- Common color: varies between white, with brown spots similar to those of a lion or tiger. black and white, red
- Average lifespan: eight to ten years
- Sociability: high.
- Skills: companion dog and guardian
- Space needs: adapts well to the interior of the house
- Food: 400 to 450 g. daily of dry full food.
- Exercise required: 20 – 40 minutes per day
- High tendency to drool and snore
English Bulldog Personality
This is one of the best breeds to live with children. They love the company of children and like the rough game. In general, children are not delicate and these dogs really enjoy playing with them.
In addition, his pain threshold is very high in such a way that it is very difficult for a child to get to hurt a bulldog. or react aggressively.
However, they have retained the original bravery of their upbringing for bullfights, so they are good guard dogs. Although they usually get along with other pets in the family, English bulldogs can be aggressive to dogs they don’t know.
They are good pets for floors and do not need a patio. These dogs only need a moderate amount of exercise.
Tips to buy Baby Bulldogs.
If you are already convinced that an English Bulldog, is the best choice for you, you should know that there are certain factors that you must consider so that this pleasant experience does not become a cause for disappointment and sadness for you and the family.
First, keep in mind that buying a dog is not the same as buying one thing, which you can easily replace or replace. Generally, a dog quickly becomes one more member of the family.
That’s why you have to be completely sure of your decision. But how do you know where to buy a puppy, where to go? how much are baby bulldogs? What is the difference between buying a dog in a hatchery in a shop, what is a hatchery?
In this article we will be answering many of the aforementioned questions
What’s the difference between buying a puppy in a hatchery instead of a pet shop?
The difference is very wide. A breeding ground has as its main objective the improvement of the breed, this is achieved by crossing the best specimens depending on their structure, physical characteristics, health, etc. While, in a pet store, the goal is mainly commercial, which can affect the quality of the dog, that is, the puppy may have genetic defects or health problems that will affect the life of your puppy.

What about baby bulldogs selling on the street or street markets?
Definitely buy a dog on the street or street markets, it’s the worst option, please don’t. You may find it attractive, because the price of the puppy may be much lower compared to the prices given by the other options. However, this is possible, due to the deplorable conditions in which dogs are normally found. People who engage in this activity generally do not seek good food or vaccines because they then lose their profits, they only exploit animals for profit.
What about online sales sites?
It’s very common to find ads like baby bulldogs for sale or baby english bulldogs for sale online. But these kinds of timely notices, treat them very carefully. They are not always bad options, sometimes it is a family trying to sell their puppies. However, they are usually fraudulent ads from the same people who sell on the street.
How much are baby bulldogs?
These dogs are one of the most expensive breeds in the world. It’s because of the way the English bulldogs breed. All other breeds of dogs mate naturally and subsequently the puppies arrive. However, English bulldogs will never be able to do so.
Several studies must be performed when the female enters heat, because it requires artificial insemination. You can’t do a natural mating because the male is too heavy, and it will hurt the female.
Once the female is pregnant, it is to follow up on the pregnancy, the bitch cannot give birth alone, the dogs are very large, with wide shoulders and huge heads, therefore, the pregnancy must be tracked to schedule a C-section.
Once the baby bulldogs are born, the bulldog dog does not take care of the dogs; They become the task of the breeder, you have to buy milk formulas for the puppies, take care of them, stimulate them.
Adding up these expenses, the time and effort to pull forward a litter, result in an expensive breed.
For all of the above, on average, the cost of an English Bulldog in a pet store can be about $2,200 to $2,500, while, in a hatchery, the price is between $1,300 and $1,600.
That’s why, when you see ads like these, “baby bulldogs for sale cheap” or “baby bulldogs for free”, consider that it may be a scam or that puppies for sale are in very precarious condition and are not options to acquire your pet.
What do I have to look at when I go buy a puppy?
When choosing a puppy, the first thing to do is verify that the store or hatchery can grant you the certificate of authenticity. This greatly reduces the chances that in the future your dog may suffer from some genetic disease.
Second, you must be very clear that you will acquire your puppy, that is, if you want it to play with your children or to keep you company, because depending on that, you can choose between a male or a female, the difference is that the male tends to be more imposing, with more energy, while the females are calmer and even , more affectionate,
It is best to tell the manager about your lifestyle and that of your family, the activities they do, the type of place where you live and if you have other pets for him to help you choose a good puppy for you and your family.
For which people is this type of dogs recommended?
The only person who is unfit is an athlete, someone who wants to take their dog to exercise. It is a dog that adapts to a child or an elderly person alike. The dog adapts to people, recognizing where there can be activity and where there is not.
How do you get along with other dogs?
They get along very well, they’re not aggressive animals with dogs or people.
With what can get to have problems are with very active dogs that want them to play at their level, the bulldog plays 20 – 30 minutes and is going to lie down, and if a very active dog insists on playing the dog can growl to say “leave me alone, I do not have that energy”, but it is not aggression, it gets well with other breeds.
How to take care of the English baby bulldogs?
An English bulldog puppy needs the usual care of any puppy. However, due to some of its unique attributes, it also requires certain special care. Here we will mention the most important care.
1.- Gradually change the food mark.
Get a small supply of the food your dog consumed before you took it home. That way, your system won’t experience a shock caused by the whole new food. If you want to change the food brand, do it slowly. Mix half the old food and half the new one for a week and gradually increase the new food until you only eat that food.
2.- Feed your puppy on a regular schedule.
You’ll need to feed him three times a day on a regular schedule for the first 4 months after his arrival home. When you turn 6 months old, you can start feeding it only twice a day and from 12 months onwards, you can feed it only once a day.

3. Feed your baby bulldogs on a well-balanced and good quality diet.
Usually, the food that is easily obtained in stores is fine for your puppy. Examine the first 5 ingredients on the dog food label; the first or first two should be meats (not meat derivatives, which have nothing wrong, but are better found below the list), followed by vegetables and then cereals.
Occasionally, English bulldogs may show signs of intolerance to one or more ingredients in a type of food (diarrhoea, vomiting, or skin problems). If your puppy or dog shows these signs, you’ll need to work in conjunction with the vet to determine the cause and then make sure your dog follows a strict diet for the rest of his or her life to minimize symptoms.
Avoid giving food for people to your dog, especially those that are dangerous to your system. Keep in mind that there are certain foods for people that can make a dog sick or even kill it. Some of these are:
- Avocado
- Alcohol
- Chocolate
- Grapes and raisins
- Onions and garlic
- Nuts
- Yeast doughs
4 Keep an eye on your pet’s weight.
English bulldogs can gain weight with ease, so you’ll have to make sure your puppy isn’t overweight. If you start gaining a lot of weight, check with your veterinarian to find out the best, and safest, way to keep your weight balanced.
5 Provide fresh water at all times.
You should always do it, but it’s particularly important if the weather is warm or humid. Also, remember to wash food bowls and water with soap and water a couple of times a week, as bulldogs can drool a lot.
Taking care of your Baby Bulldog
Consider the puppy’s teething when you take it home. Be sure to provide many mask toys to help you during this transition period.
1 Watch your puppy’s health.
For example, if you change your food, keep an eye out for possible diarrhea. If it happens, you must stop feeding him for 12 hours. If diarrhea continues for more than 24 hours, contact your veterinarian right away to avoid dehydration. Puppies can become dehydrated very quickly, so if your pet has diarrhea, you should take it very seriously.
2 Give your pet preventive treatment for local pests.
Dogs can purchase some unwanted guests: ticks, fleas, mites and intestinal worms. If you don’t get regular treatment for these nasty pests, your dog might be the perfect carrier. The veterinarian is the best source of information about the bugs that cause discomfort to local dogs, as well as how to prevent pests.
3 Take your puppy to the vet for frequent checkups.
Usually, the first visit to the veterinarian is given at 6 weeks of life. The veterinarian examines you to make sure you don’t have a genetic condition, gets parasitted, and your first dysmper vaccine is placed. This vaccine is re-placed at weeks 9 and 12. The rabies vaccine is also placed. As it grows, you’ll need to take it to the vet for more examination. Two visits per year will be enough to discover any medical problems before it gets complicated. Older dogs often suffer from arthritis and heart problems.
4 Examine your English bulldog’s ears every week.
Normally, the inside of the ear is white or dark, depending on the color of your fur, so check for any part of an unsent color. Also, the puppy’s ears should not have a bad odor or secretions inside or out. They should also not have dirt, soil or parasites, such as ticks or mites. Keep in mind that none of the following behaviors are normal:
- Scratch or hit your ear.
- Shake your head excessively.
- Have secretions in the ears, either as liquid, wax or brown.
5 Clean your puppy’s ears often.
You can do this using a product specifically designed to clean a dog’s ears, with oxygenated water or hydrogen peroxide. Wet a cotton ball with the liquid and rub it gently into the dog’s ear. If you have any questions, or if you suspect your dog has an ear infection, take him to the vet for examination.
6 Brush your English puppy bulldog’s teeth daily.
By doing so every day (or at least 2 to 3 times a week), you will remove bacteria and plaque that accumulates daily in your teeth. It will also provide you with a great opportunity to examine your dog’s mouth and check for any loose or damaged teeth, sores, tumors or something else unusual and you can tell the veterinarian at an early stage, before it becomes a major problem.
Never brush your dog’s teeth with a human toothpaste. Use only those made for dogs. Human toothpaste fluoride is poisonous to dogs and can cause serious health problems.
7 Roast your puppy regularly.
Due to the folds in your skin, especially those found on your rosto and around your lips, it is necessary to carefully examine the English bulldogs for any signs of infection every day. Normal fungi in the body develop and strengthen in these dark, warm, and moist cracks. Therefore, it is necessary to wash and dry them carefully at least every other day, or more often if the dog tends to develop infections.
8 Brush your puppy regularly.
The English bulldog moults its short fur, so it is advisable to brush it once a week with a soft bristle brush. While you’re looking at it, keep an eye on any flea, tick or mite, as well as any lumps, bumps or cysts on your skin. If you find any of these things, as well as any scabs, redness, or itching of the skin, you should tell the veterinarian.
9 Check your puppy’s paws regularly.
It’s a good idea to check your pet’s nails and legs while brushing it. You may need to trim his nails. If you’ve never done it before, ask the vet to show you how to do it. The procedure should be done correctly, so that you do not cut the root, which is where the blood vessels and nerves are located.
10 Take care of the special needs of an English bulldog puppy
Keep the environment of your English puppy bulldog at a moderate temperature. Dogs of this breed are sensitive to temperature. They can suffer from sunstroke easily, but they are also sensitive to cold.
- Be sure to keep it cool during the summer months. A temperature of 32.2oC, a higher temperature can be very dangerous. If you take your puppy for a walk on a very hot day, be sure to wet its fur and provide it with all the water it needs to drink.
- Puppy bulldogs can be easily colded. Be sure to keep it in a warm environment during the colder months to prevent it from cooling down. During winter, you may need to wear a sweatshirt or sweatshirt and dog boots to keep the puppy warm while outdoors. You should not keep it at a temperature of 15.5oC (60oF) or less for too long.
11 Watch your puppy’s breath.
Because their snout (nose) is short, bulldogs tend to have breathing problems. Warm or humid weather, too much vigorous exercise, and any illness that affects your nose, throat or lungs make it difficult for your dog to get enough oxygen. Therefore, it is recommended that you take it to an air-conditioned place for days in warm or humid weather and not to exercise outdoors for days with extreme climates.