Common diseases in dogs
Recognizing signs of pathologies is a fundamental issue to preserve the health of the canes; even to ensure their survival, as there are cases that can be fatal
Prevention and information are the best tools we have at our disposal to take care of our pets. In the following article we will tell you what are the common diseases in dogs.
Common diseases in dogs
It is essential that you pay attention to changes in your pet’s habits. As it is often these signs that tell you that something is not right.
Symptoms are not always visible such as vomiting or diarrhea; sometimes it is a rare tiredness or lack of energy or modifications at lunchtime. Common diseases in the canes include:
1. Otitis
This ear infection is most common in breeds with long, drooping ears such as cocker spaniel or bloodhound, although it may appear in all dogs that have had contact with water or moisture.

2. Moquillo
A disease that, fortunately, has a vaccine to prevent it, but which is highly contagious and becomes fatal in unsoculated or a few weeks old animals.
Sometimes it is difficult to diagnose this disease because it has various symptoms, such as cough, sneezing, secretions, fever, diarrhea and nervous tics among others.
3. Sarna
It is a skin disease that can also occur in cats and even people. The acaros cause this disease, infecting the skin.
4. Internal parasites
The most common group of ‘worms’ that affects dogs are tapeworms: flat-shaped and housed in the intestine feeding on food ingested by the animal. Contagion is through contaminated feces or raw or undercover food.
It is essential to deworm your pet through the treatment indicated by the veterinarian: not only puppies should be checked, as parasites can also affect adults. Sometimes they can be detected in the stool.
5. Osteoarthritis
This is one of the common diseases in elderly dogs and certain breeds such as the German shepherd or the Doberman. Osteoarthritis is inflammation and degeneration of the joints, mainly of the hip and elbow.
The risk of this problem increases if the animal is obese or does not do too much physical exercise.
6. Parvovirus
This disease mainly affects the pet’s digestive system, although it also causes the decreased amount of red blood cells in the blood and prevents the proper functioning of the heart and intestines.
Symptoms of canine parvovirus include vomiting, lack of appetite, bloody stools, tiredness, diarrhea, despondencing, lack of energy and dehydration.
7. Gastritis
It is more common than we think and in most cases we do not even realize that our pet is suffering from it. Gastritis is an inflammation or irritation of the gastric mucosa and is caused by poor feeding: inadequate feed, too copious rations or speed when swallowing food.
The main symptoms are vomiting and bloating (swollen belly), but canine gastritis can also include loss of appetite or weight, lack of energy and excessive saliva production.
8. Leishmaniosis
The symptoms of leishmaniosis are very diverse. And the best way to avoid contagion is by eliminating the causative agent, the mosquitos.
Don’t leave containers of water outdoors (so the insect can’t lay its eggs), spray repellents on doors and windows – so you don’t enter the home – and apply a mosquito pipette to your pets.