It’s time to tell you interesting curiosities about the akita inu dog breed. It is very likely that at some point in your life you have seen the movie “Hachi, a dog’s tale”. If you have not seen it yet, we tell you that this film was released in 2009. And it starred the famous actor Richard Gere. This film tells the story of Hachi, an Akita Inu breed dog; who every day went to a train station to wait for its owner; a university professor who returned in the afternoons from his work. But one day, this professor could not return anymore, because he had a cardiac arrest and died. However, for the next 10 years, Hachi continued to return daily to that station to wait for his beloved owner.
Also, did you know that this movie is based on a real-life story? That’s the way it is; in the year of 1925, Hachiko, a dog of the same breed went every day to a station in Tokyo to wait for its owner who had already died. All the locals noticed this behavior and began to feed and care for it. And in 1935, authorities erected a statue in his honor, which endures to this day.
For many years, Akita Inu dogs were known and highly appreciated by the Japanese. However, thanks to the film mentioned above. This beautiful breed of dog gained great prestige worldwide. And many people were interested in adopting a specimen of this breed of dog.
If you are one of those people who is seriously thinking about having an Akita Inu in your family, we recommend that you continue reading and discover more curiosities about the Akita inu dog breed.
Origin of Akita inu
The Akita Inu, or also called Japanese Akita is a breed of dog that comes from a Japanese region called Akita, hence its name. The ancestors of the akita inu were medium-sized dogs, belonging to the Spitz family (whose origin dates back more than 3000 years), which were used to hunt bears and were known as akita matagi. From the seventeenth century, these dogs were used for dog fighting. And in order to increase their strength and endurance, they crossed paths with coughs and mastiffs.
Fortunately, at the beginning of the last century the authorities of Japan banned dog fighting. But, at the end of World War II, the number of Akitas was drastically reduced. However, thanks to the interest of American breeders, who were fascinated with this breed of dog, they decided to repopulate the breed in the United States, giving rise to the American Akita dog.
It is important to note that the Akita inu are considered by the Japanese as a national treasure. They have been the object of veneration as a symbol of good health, prosperity and good fortune. So it is common that at the birth of a baby or before the illness of a relative a dog of this breed is given away.

Physical characteristics of akita inu.
The akita inu is considered a large and strong dog because males can weigh between 38 and 58 kilograms, and reach a height of 68 centimeters. While the females are smaller, with a weight that is between 29 and 50 kilograms and their maximum height will be 63 centimeters. Its head is large and hairy, which pairs well with a strong and muscular body. But interestingly, their ears are relatively small, thick and forward-facing.
Regarding its fur, this breed of dog, has a hard and smooth outer coat, and a soft and dense inner mantle. While the fur of the tail is longer than that of the rest of the body. The colors of this dog tend to be white, gold, and brindle.
Character of the akita inu
They have a very reserved and shy character, they are calm most of the day, adopting a calm attitude even in times of stress. It is a very balanced, docile and resolute breed of dog. The loyalty he offers to his master is the strongest and most well-known characteristic of the akita inu.
Although he is very suspicious of strangers, it is a dog that will not attack for no reason, only in the face of provocation and signs of aggressiveness. It is an excellent watchdog.
In dealing with other dogs it can be difficult, because the akita inu is dominant. Therefore, it is very important that, as a puppy, socialize with other breeds of dogs and other animals. In this way we can avoid some problem in the adult stage, where it can be more violent. It is a dog that requires an expert master in the handling of dogs, who knows how to impose his authority and most importantly, who knows how to use positive reinforcement.
Young children, especially from the home, are very dear to the akita inu, who will not hesitate to protect them from any danger. He is patient with them especially if he knows them.
Akita inu Care
Other curiosities about the Akita Inu dog breed is that it can withstand very cold climates due to its dense fur. But you need to take care of their fur, brushing it daily. With regard to physical activity, we must tell you that the akita inu is a dog that needs to exercise every day. You must have the availability to go for a walk with him at least twice a day.
You should also take into account that this breed of dog is quite intelligent and will require an owner with a strong personality, a leader who is able to impose the rules. Otherwise, the dog will do his own will and will not respect the rules.
For various reasons experts in this breed advise to stimulate you mentally by teaching you tricks, advanced obedience and to identify a variety of objects.
Akita inu Health
As for the issue of diseases that affect akita inu, the most common are usually the following
- Hip dysplasia
- Pathologies of the immune system
- Pathologies of the knees
- Dysfunction of the thyroid gland
Both to prevent their appearance and to detect them in time. It is essential to go to the veterinarian periodically; follow the reviews established by the specialist and keep your vaccinations and deworming up to date.
After reading the curiosities about the Akita inu dog breed. You will be more prepared to adopt a dog of this breed and enjoy life together.
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