Dog Training Tips

How to make a first aid kit for my pet

How to make a first aid kit for my pet?. It is important that you have a first aid kit for the care of our pets on hand; here we tell you some basic points to have one at home

It’s always better to prevent than to cure. but sometimes it is inevitable that our pets will get hurt or hurt. That’s why having a first-aid kit can be a quick fix to small health problems.

Why is a first aid kit important?

As we have already mentioned, accidents happen, either at home or abroad. During the day to day, our pets are exposed to different situations that can pose a risk to your health. Among them, we can highlight:

For many of these situations, a first aid kit is a great ally. But it is important to know that such a medicine cabinet is not a substitute for veterinary practice. In addition, it is more than recommended that all medicine cabinet products – especially pharmaceuticals – be approved for veterinary use.

How to make a first aid kit for my pet
How to make a first aid kit for my pet

The must-haves in a medicine cabinet

To assemble a basic kit, we must have the following products:

With these elements we will be able to deal with minor accidents that our pets may suffer, either to cure them completely or to monitor their situation provisionally while we go to a veterinary professional.

Our first aid kit can be completed with some more specific items, and they usually depend on the type of pet we have. Some of them are:

Final tips for the first aid kit

It is very important that you always consult with your veterinarian first to make sure that everything in the medicine cabinet is suitable for your pet. To ensure quick access, place it in an easy-to-remember, yet secure place.

Keeping the medicine cabinet tidy helps you find things faster. You can use a box or briefcase with compartments, and distribute the various products according to their use. A good idea is to have a second auxiliary kit, in case we are going to travel with our pet.

Check that everything in the medicine cabinet is within its effective period. This periodic review is vital for medicines, whether for topical or oral use. And last but not least, always keep a sheet with veterinary emergency phones written down.


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