Some funny retriever puppies videos!
What is your favorite breed of puppies? well here for now some funny retriever puppies videos to have a good time laughing a bit!
To start a little puppy indicating with his firm bark to a donkey that he cannot be at the door, we have here a potential leader.
And always wanting to eat, but not a small snail on the sidewalk, better a little fresh watermelon that without any problem he should complete his portion.
Determined not to let his favorite human go, this puppy clings with his little teeth to everything to her dress, so he end up mopping the entire floor he will continue to hold on and hold with all his might.
Knowing the soap foam, his little headย thinking What it is this?, you can eat? it doesn’t taste so good, but at least it smells good.
Also a peculiar reaction when playing and trying a small slice of orange, oops they are not sweet as it looked it’s a different flavor than the one he likes.
Dig and dig in the sand on the beach until he can put his head in even if it ends up going flat on his face and rolling forward.
What flavor of ice cream will be a puppy’s favorite?
Do not put an ice cream in front of a puppy retriever who will undoubtedly eat everything up to the cone licking your fingers in search of more, they have no filler.
And like in the TV commercials, one of his favorite activities will be to take the toilet paper and unroll it everywhere..
Playing around with the washing machine, what happens? why is it making that noise? I could be thinking even though in the end I end up running away without knowing why?
And apparently they not only enjoy licking ice cream, it can also be a bit of toothpaste from the brush, I wonder if they also enjoy mouthwash?
Also always a jet or water intake will be a source of attraction for them, not being able to stop playing and drink a little liquid.
Even if they have their toys, any other common item such as a plastic bottle can be a source of fun for them and spend hours fighting with this.
But having a favorite special toy will always be the best for every puppy and have him entertained infinitely with this!
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