The most intelligent dog breeds in the world. Dogs are recognized as man’s best friends. This thanks that they are able to provide total loyalty and unconditional love towards their owners. In addition, dogs are a lot of fun and give us many hours of joy. But, hold on you’ve ever wondered which breeds of dogs are the smartest? Here we will tell you which are the most intelligent dog breeds in the world.
According to experts in the field. Some say that a dog’s intelligence depends on how well its owner has trained it. Others believe it’s all in the genes. It’s actually a combination of the two. Read on and find out if your furry and adored pet is part of the most intelligent dog breeds in the world.
Bernese Mountain Dog
The Bernese mountain is a large and very hairy breed of dog. It can measure up to 70 cm in height and weigh about 20 km. In ancient times, this hound was bred as a watchdog and grazing or buoy. That is, he could take care of any type of cattle.
With the passage of time, the number of families that decided to adopt this breed of dog as a companion pet grew. Because it is a very docile dog, loyal and affectionate. Ideal to live with children and other pets. In addition, the Bernese mountain dog has great ease of learning very quickly new and varied indications because it is considered one of the most intelligent dog breeds in the world.
Old English Sheepdog
The most striking thing about the old English shepherd dog is its fur. It is abundant, densoy and covers it completely. In addition, you should know that their fur is water resistant.
This dog is characterized by being a good companion. He is friendly, independent and adventurous. You can establish a close bond with your human family and are very close to children. They are not aggressive, however, they are awake and protective.
This intelligent hound feels responsible for the safety of the herd and will always take on that responsibility. It is also multifaceted, that is, it likes variety in its activities and can be easily bored, for that reason, it is important to keep it active. Thanks to its great intelligence and versatility, it can be used as a search and rescue dog.
Bearded Collie
The bearded collie, bearded collie or simply beardie, It is an old shepherd dog of Great Britain of sweet and bonachón appearance. This dog that adapts perfectly to a proactive life full of stimuli that can motivate him mentally and physically. It is a very active and energetic dog, ideal for adventurous people. It is generally a very sociable dog, with great ability to live with pets of other species and loves to play with children.
Like other sheepdogs the bearded collie, it is a very intelligent dog, but it is an independent animal that does not like to obey orders such as “sit” “still”. He prefers activities that test his protective or tracking skills.
Jack Russell Terrier
Formerly, the Jack Russell came to be used as a hunting dog and for that reason, it developed a temperamental character. That is, it is a bold dog, intrepid, curious and always alert. Also, it is quite brave, despite being a small breed of dog. It is a dog with a lot of energy and very active, ideal for a home where you can play with children. And if there are no children at home, you will need a space where you can vent all your energy.
The jack russell terrier is intelligent and an excellent working dog. We will be able to teach you techniques related to the search for objects. However, at the beginning of his training, he may be unobedient, but if we work with him on a daily basis and reward him every time he does something right, he will end up learning and internalizing the orders we want to transmit to him.
The weimaraner is a very dynamic, curious, intelligent and loyal dog. In addition, he has a sweet character, is patient and kind. Precisely because of this positive character, this breed of dog is one of the most recommended for families with older children, young families and people with an active and stimulating pace of life.
Something important to mention is that your hunting instincts are strong and come to the fore with ease. He has a great fondness for search games and his fixation for toys with sound, so he quickly learns tasks related to tracking objects.
On the other hand, the weimaraner can be a dog somewhat distrustful or shy of strangers, for that reason they will effusively alert their owners to the presence of any stranger in the home.
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
The Pembroke Corgis is a very active watchdog. Plus, he’s extremely smart. While he is kind and loyal to his family, he is not a sociable breed of dog. He tends to be cautious with strangers and aggressive with unknown dogs. For that reason, it is important that you learn to socialize since you are a puppy, to avoid aggression and fear in adulthood.
In addition, Corgis need constant mental stimulation, they quickly learn new tricks and can get very bored if they fall into the routine. They constantly need new challenges. To educate and motivate them, we recommend always using positive reinforcement.
As a curious fact, currently Queen Elizabeth II, of England, has Corgis de Pembroke as pets and have been there for many generations. They are known to be dogs highly appreciated by the royal family.
English Springer Spaniel
It is a very friendly and sociable breed of dog, as well as cheerful and very docile. It is a dog that is always very attentive to what happens in its environment because in its origins this breed was used to hunt. The English springer spaniel is a very intelligent dog, so your education will be quite simple, quickly learn new orders. As long as the appropriate techniques are used. In addition, he is an excellent companion and likes to stay with his human family as he is very protective. They can become very playful and socialize very well with children and other dogs.
Siberian Husky
Currently, the Siberian husky is one of the most popular pets for its physical appearance. In addition, he has an affable character, is loyal, affectionate and playful, Sometimes the temperament of the Siberian husky can change when meeting strangers, showing himself somewhat distant with them.
Formerly, this breed of dogs was used by a tribe called Chukchis, to pull their sleds in areas with very low temperatures. What forced these dogs to adapt and survive to extreme conditions, This allowed the Siberian Husky to develop a great intelligence to adapt to very difficult conditions and develop various jobs. He can learn orders quickly and is very attached to the routine.
Another of the most intelligent dog breeds in the world, is the collie, a dog that is characterized by being soft, affectionate, docile, and very intelligent. It tends to be a sociable dog, and for that reason, it can live with people and other pets. In fact, he doesn’t like to be alone, for that reason he seeks to be in company as long as possible. The ancestors of the Collie breed of dog, were also used as herding dogs, that allowed him to develop a sharp intelligence to perform various tares. It is even a dog that needs a lot of physical and mental exercise.
As a curious fact, in the middle of the last century, a television person named Lassie was born. It was a collie dog named Lassie, who starred in movies and TV series. Who had exciting adventures and helped solve various mysteries. And although he was a science fiction character, the truth is that many of the things this character did was not so far from reality.
Australian Cattle Dog
The Australian cattle dog is known for its intelligence, especially when trained to herd livestock. This breed of dog is very active and likes to always have something to do. An Australian cattle dog is not the ideal dog to lock you in a yard. These dogs require work and coexistence with people or at least the presence of someone around them in the absence of their daily work.
They are a perfect companion for the family and their children. Once you meet the dog and control it, you will be surprised at the high level of obedience this dog can have.
People have long believed that Rottweilers are cruel dogs that can kill a human. This is an idea that is far removed from reality. On the contrary, rottweiler dogs is a breed of dog kind, quiet, obedient and docile. However, being a breed of dog and strong, if possible it can bring you down. In the old days, they were used to carry wood and other heavy objects in markets and houses. If you are looking to train a dog to protect your home and all your precious possessions, this is the dog you should choose. His appearance is natural and rustic, his behavior confident, firm and fearless.
A Rottweiler is self-confident and responds quietly and with an attitude of waiting and seeing the attitude of the influences of his environment. It has an inherent desire to protect the home and family, and is an intelligent dog of extreme hardness and adaptability, with a strong willingness to work, which makes them especially suitable as companions, guardians and general purpose dogs.
This breed of dogs is probably one of the most tender and intelligent you can find. This race shows that small things (brains) can also come in small packages. Papillons are very charming and have always been a symbol of elegance. During the Renaissance, these dogs were worshipped by the royal courts and aristocrats of the time. They always proved to be good guardians thanks to their excellent hearing.
This breed of dog is very loyal; despite their small size these dogs are very active, in addition, they are easy to train.
The labrador is one of the most intelligent dog breeds in the world and also one of the most popular breeds. The breed originates in Newfoundland and was trained to hunt waterfowl. As times change, farmers have been introduced to new jobs.
Many of these dogs are used by law as bomb and drug detectors. Any dog that can be trained for this type of work is definitely smart. These dogs are also used for rescue. Many are trained to help the disabled, especially the blind. The smarter Labrador dogs can be trained to guide a human without paying attention to any distractions.
The Labrador is an obedient, patient and loving dog that can be trained to do almost anything. Farmers are curious animals, they like to explore and follow new trails. They don’t usually jump high fences or dig, but because they are an intelligent and persevering race, with the right conditions and stimuli, a bored labrador could become an “escapist master”
Shetland Sheep
Although not a very popular dog, Shetland’s Sheep is a very intelligent dog. Some owners of this breed of dogs claim that they are as intelligent as a human. These sheep are native to Scotland. This one wears a double-layered woolly jacket and definitely doesn’t look like a very bad dog. They are used to graze sheep.
Since this breed can have large and small limbs, some of these dogs are used to keep small animals and pests out of the grounds. This breed of dog is considered as an excellent company, because it is highly loyal, cheerful, intelligent and always willing to obey.
Because they are very intelligent, they are highly trainable. Shelties are very good with children. Lack of exercise and intellectual stimulation can lead to undesirable behaviors, including excessive barking, phobias and nervousness.
Doberman Pinscher
The Dorberman Pinscher is another of the most intelligent dog breeds in the world. In the past, these dogs were trained to be police dogs and guard dogs. In the nineteenth century, man was looking for a dog that was affectionate and loyal, and at the same time, fierce and strong when necessary.
That’s where the Doberman Pinscher fits in. Although they can be trained to be fierce, most are kind and docile. Some have still been used in hospitals to help recover patients who are under therapy. The Dorberman Pinscher is brave, caring, lively, determined and elegant. These 5 adjectives are the ones that best define the Dorberman.
With a determined and disturbing expression, it is a dog of energetic, proud and impulsive character, which, whenever it receives a good training, is stable, settled and sociable It has been mistakenly considered an unstable, aggressive or dangerous dog, a trend that is disappearing today. Extremely intelligent; he quickly understands the situations. It is a dog capable of learning more than 30 different ordines.
Golden Retriever
The Golden Retrievers are also very popular dogs that seem to be perfect for a family. From the past to the present day, these dogs have been man’s companions, especially for those who hunt. This breed can be easily trained to find and retrieve waterfowl and animals that have just been hunted. The dog’s soft mouth allows it to bring hunted animals without being harmed to their owner.
In addition to being a hunting dog, the Golden Retriever can be used as rescue dogs, drug detectors and guide dogs. This breed is very patient, which makes it even easier to train.
These dogs are active and fun-loving animals with exceptionally patient behavior, typical of a dog bred to sit quietly for hours on a hunt. Adult specimens love to work and have a great ability to concentrate on a certain task. The Goldens are exceptionally trainable, due to their intelligence, athletic ability and desire to please their handlers, and excel in obedience tests.
German Shepherd
The German Shepherd is one of the most loving dogs in the world that can be found. In addition, these dogs can be trained to do things that humans cannot do. In the past, German shepherds were used to care for sheep. But nowadays, these dogs are usually trained to be rescue dogs, and some are able to work with the military. These dogs are so intelligent that the army and navy have allowed them to work outside the country. German shepherds are very obedient and protective dogs.
This breed was used as a sniffer dog during World War II by the German army and police. Thanks to their strength, intelligence, training ability and obedience, German Shepherds around the world are often the preferred breed for many other types of work,
This breed of dogs is absolutely brilliant. Poodles have been used as hunting dogs and also as guard dogs and rescue dogs. Poodles are fascinated by being close to people and are very protective.
Although this breed only weighs 5 kilos, a powerful heart can come out of the interior of such a beautiful dog. The Poodle (or Poniche) are cheerful, playful and very active dogs. This does not easily distract them when it comes to training them (both in obedience and agility).
They are methodical dogs, energetic; excellent with children although if they are not trained and socialized properly they can become destructive. At the level of intelligence, the poodle ranked 2nd in stanley coren’s canine intelligence ranking.

Border Collie
At the top of the list is the Border Collie. This dog lives to work, literally. Although it seemed that humans are the only ones who live to work, this breed of dog needs something to do to be happy. The Border Collie; is used as a herding dog and from there it has evolved into a dog used in sports. The race is renowned for its agility; speed and obedience. He is also known for his ability to learn new tricks quickly. These dogs are fascinated to be by your side to work.
The Border Collies are loyal to their own and especially to those they adopt as leaders, with whom they come to forge an unconditional bond. Its look is one of its main characteristics: in the moments of work it never departs from its leader, denoting a capacity for concentration uncommon in the rest of dog breeds.
The Border Collie is considered to be the most intelligent breed of dog that exists. According to the classification made by Stanley Coren after analyzing the answers of more than two hundred working judges of the AKC (“The Intelligence of dogs”, Stanley Coren, Editions B, 1995).
These were the most intelligent dog breeds in the world