chihuahua Dog Curiosities. You probably know the chihuahua dog, but most likely we can tell you several curious facts about this breed that will surprise you.
Here we present the curiosities of the chihuahua dog
1. This breed is not really called chihuahua
Its official name is Chihuahua. The term Chihuahua refers to the Mexican city of the same name, in which that breed was discovered. Chihuahua means, in the Rar├бmuri language, “arid and sandy place”.
2. He is one of the most desired dogs in the world
It is also one of the most expensive breeds. Despite being so small and looking so peculiar, it may not be to everyone’s taste, the reality is that it has followers all over the world. The Chihuahua breed is very popular and is in high demand.
3. There is a variety of long hair
Most of the chihuahuas we know are short hair, but there are also chihuahuas with long hair, they are rare, but they look beautiful and you can possibly confuse them with another breed.

4. He is considered the smallest dog in the world.
If you are looking for the smallest dog, the Chihuahua breed is for you. Its weight ranges between 1 and 3 kilos, very rarely exceed this figure.
However, despite their size, they are not fragile or scary, they are usually brave when the situation requires it.
The world’s smallest chihuahua, recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, is called Toudi. At three months old it weighed 300 grams and was similar in height to a can of soda. In fact, your favorite place to sleep is the palm of its owner’s hand.
5. They are very long-lived
Generally, small dog breeds have a longer life expectancy than large dogs. And the chihuahua dog is no exception, it can exceed 16 years, even many reach the age of 20.
6. They have European blood
It is believed that the Chihuahua breed is the result of the cross between the Mexican breed techichi, already extinct, with other small dogs from Europe.
7. TV made it popular in the United States
The chihuahua dog became very famous in the United States thanks to television, specifically the advertising spots of the Tex-Mex food chain Taco Bell. Chihuahua dogs appeared in them. No wonder such a different breed surprised everyone!
8. It is the oldest race in the Americas
The chihuahua dog, is the oldest living dog in America. The earliest evidence of techichi dates back to the ninth century, but it is believed that the ancestors of this may have been present in the Maya era. In the pyramids of Cholula and the ruins of Chichen Itza, in Yucatan, there are representations of dogs very similar to the current Chihuahua.
9. Many legends surround the chihuahua dog.
It is said that in Mexico bluish-black chihuahua dogs were sacred, but reddish ones were sacrificed in Aztec rituals. However, there are no official sources to confirm this story.
10. They have a strong character.
The chihuahua dog can become very affectionate, but it is true that it has a special character and does not get along with anyone. Within the family, he usually chooses a leader who loves and obeys above all else.
It usually gets along well with other dogs of its own breed, however, it is unsociable with different dogs,
So you already know a little more about this interesting breed, thanks to these curiosities of the chihuahua dog.
These were the 10 chihuahua Dog Curiosities, if you want a Chihuahua puppy or you already have one