Dogs breeds that formerly had unimaginable jobs. In the world there are many people who love dogs, whether large or small, with a lot or little hair, sociable or reserved, quiet or intrepid. They have become an essential part of our lives, because they are always by our side, offering all their love and loyalty. For that reason it is said that a dog is man’s best friend.
Currently, almost all dogs that live in a home, have the main function of being a companion pet and the vast majority of dog breeds that we know today, are very different from their predecessors. Many of them were even destined to perform very important tasks for their owners.
But have you ever wondered if the current breeds of dogs performed any unimaginable work.
Do you want to know more about the history and the unthinkable activities that dogs played in ancient times? Here we present a list of breed of dogs and we will tell you more about their history and what was their main work. Don’t stop reading!

The beagle have been bred as hunting dogs for centuries. It is believed to descend from the dog of san hubert or northern hound. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the breeders of these dogs, needed to have specimens with a very developed sense of smell and with sufficient physical strength to hunt hares. Thanks to its great olfactory capacity, currently this breed of dogs is still used to detect contraband or prohibited substances.

Belgian Malinois
This is a breed of dog that has been in the world for a short time, and since its appearance has been used in activities such as the detection of flammable or explosive substances, narcotics, and even in rescue missions. In fact, they have been used by the Secret Service to protect the White House. In the same way, they are very appreciated by various athletes because it is an animal, large, strong and moves very quickly.

The bloodhound, is native to Belgium. This is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. It is estimated that their ancestors were already used for hunting, especially wild boars or wild pigs, this for their extraordinary smell. Similarly, this breed of dog has historically been trained as a detection or tracking dog. It was used in the search and rescue of pilgrims who were lost in the mountains and forests. They are currently working with the police to sniff suspicious substances or products. You can recognize it by its long ears and its thin and hanging skin that is observed in the neck and head region, forming abundant wrinkles and folds.

Bull Terrier
In the late seventeenth and early nineteenth centuries, in Great Britain, it became fashionable to fights between bulldog dogs and bulls. However, in the year 1835, the law prohibited this horrible activity. Therefore, James Hinks began to cross bulldog dogs and terrier dogs to get lighter animals, but equally tenacious, able to resist and fight in the new and cruel “sport” of dog fighting. Thus arose the ancestors of the current bull terrier, which were known as bull and terrier. These dogs had the combativeness and pain resistance of the bulldog and the agility and sagacity of the terriers. It is easy to identify by being a medium-sized, robust dog with an egg-shaped head and raised ears.
Dogs breeds that formerly had unimaginable jobs.

As we mentioned in the previous review in the nineteenth century, bulldogs were used to fight bulls. But fortunately, in the year of 1835, this activity was banned. But the people of that time looked for another way to quench their thirst for blood and invented dog fighting and continued to use this breed of dog for that purpose. From that activity, the myth was born that bulldogs are aggressive and dangerous dogs. Fortunately, that myth has already been debunked, and more and more families are deciding to have this gentle and beautiful dog at home.

There are different theories about their origin, but it is almost certain to say that they come from a state with the same name in Mexico. It is said that the chihuahuas descend from the offering dogs, the teichichis. According to religion, these dogs were the ones who guided the soul of the dead to the afterlife. Another thesis says that chihuahuas were also sacrificial dogs in Aztec rituals. And later they were domesticated by the Toltecs. The truth is that in the mid-nineteenth century, farmers in the state of Chihuahua sold these small dogs to travelers from the United States.

The name chow-chow means “soft and fluffy lion” and is another of the oldest dog breeds in the world. It has its beginnings in the northern part of China more than 3,000 years ago. This breed of dog was used for different purposes, it was an excellent guard dog of the sacred temples and some homes. But other jobs, such as hunting or grazing, are also attributed to him. They even used their fur as food and used their furs as a coat. They also worked towing sleds. During the early years of the nineteenth century the chow chow arrived in England, where it was exhibited at London Zoo, but Queen Victoria decided to acquire one and it was then that the breed became popular in the United Kingdom.

Antiguamente, esta raza de perro era utilizado principalmente para pastorear rebaños de vacas y ovejas, incluso llego a ser pastor de animales más pequeños, como patos o pollos. Sin embargo, con el transcurso de los años, fue adquiriendo mayor prestigio entre la gente de la aristocracia, convirtiéndose en uno de los perros favoritos de este circulo social. Y a mitad del siglo XIX, ya eran utilizados como perros de exposición. Este amable y sociable perro, se distingue por su largo y hermoso pelaje. Además, es tiene una notable inteligencia defenderá a su familia con gran determinación y es muy amigable con los niños.
Dogs breeds that formerly had unimaginable jobs.

The Dachshund or sausage dog, was created in Germany, where it was also known as the badger dog. The ancestors of this breed of dog, were a little larger compared to the size they currently have. Their main objective was to hunt lair animals such as foxes or badgers, they even tracked and chased a dangerous animal such as the wild boar. Smaller dachshunds were trained to hunt hares, rabbits or mice. It was not until the twentieth century, that these dogs began to be bred as pets, especially in Britain. Although they are now small dogs, they still retain their great audacity and tenacity.

Throughout history, dalmatian has been used in various activities, such as hunting dog, companion dog and guardian. However, his consecration as a “coachman dog” of the English upper class occurred in the late seventeenth century. At that time, Dalmatians accompanied the carriages of the upper social class to protect horses from stray dogs. With the invention of the automobile, the coach dogs disappeared. However, the Dalmatians also accompanied the fire brigades and that tradition was maintained. Today they are still part of the fire brigades in many parts of the world, although they now travel on the truck.
This breed has a relatively recent origin. Friederich Louis Dobermann, was the creator of this breed. Dobermann was known to be a tax collector who also worked part-time trapping dogs for the kennel.
As he had to move around different places, and some were unsafe, this man decided to create a breed of dog that was able to protect him and at the same time was attached to people. It is believed that various crosses were made between the Rottweilers and beaucerons. Since its appearance, the Doberman breed of dog has been used as a watchdog and protection and mainly by the police and the army.

German Shepherd
The history of the German Shepherd dates back to 1890, when cavalry captain Max Emil Frederick von Stephanitz began to follow his dream of developing a noble-looking working race. In 1899 he found in a dog exhibition Hektor Linkrshein, the dog that would become the founder of this breed of dog. The German Shepherd gained great notoriety for his performance in the two world wars. So great was the impression he made by his strength, bravery and intelligence, that even the enemy armies admired him. Currently the German Shepherd is employed in many activities, from the search and rescue of lost people, to the work of police dog.

The exact origin of this breed of dogs is unknown. But it is possible that the ancient Egyptians already had these dogs. If so, the greyhound would be one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. Whatever the true origin, the truth is that it was widely used for hunting during the Middle Ages. Such was the importance of these dogs for hunting in Spain and the fascination they caused in the aristocracy, that they were even immortalized in the work “Partida de caza” by the painter Francisco de Goya y Lucientes. In the 1920s, greyhound racing began, due to its great agility and speed to run.
Dogs breeds that formerly had unimaginable jobs.

Golden Retriever
The Golden Retriever, it is a relatively new breed of dog, it is estimated that it is around 200 years old. Its predecessor was a breed of dog called wavy coated retriever, now extinct. Which was already used in the nineteenth century by the English and Scottish aristocracy for hunting and recovery, that is, once the hunters shot a bird and if it fell into a pond or lake, they sent their dog to pick up the dead animal. However, the people of that time, became obsessed with having the perfect dog, which made various crosses of Wavy Coated Retriever with dogs of other breeds, which gave rise to the current Golden Retriever.

Great Dane
It remains a mystery about the origin of this breed of dog. Some theories mention that they were already used as hunters by the Assyrians more than 4000 years ago. However, in Denmark were found skeletal remains, of dogs with characteristics similar to these dogs, which are more than 5000 years old. But it is a fact that since the sixteenth century, in countries such as Germany, France and Denmark, they were used for hunting bears, wild boars and other wild animals. The great danes threw itself at the neck of its prey and did not release it until the hunter arrived to kill the animal.

The Mastiff, one of the largest and strongest dog breeds in the world. It seems that they already existed for more than 4000 years in the Middle East. The Phoenicians later introduced them to Europe, around 500 BC.C through their travels and business contacts. The Romans used them, among other things, to fight in the circus against gladiators, lions, tigers, bears and even in battles. Years later, this breed of dog came to be used to graze and guard livestock, even protect property and homes. Currently it is a peaceful dog, however it has not lost its instinct of courage and defender of the territory. He is not usually aggressive, but he knows how to draw the boundaries to intruders and confronts them.

Before the sixteenth century, the poodle was used as a spansname. That is to say, they charged or recovered the despondent prey. Therefore, it is thought that its name derives from the German word “pudel” which means to splash. In France, these dogs were known as “chien canard”, a name that alludes to the usefulness of the breed to collect ducks and other waterfowl. Some authors speculate that haircuts on the legs were used to care for the limbs of the collecting dogs, while giving them more freedom in the water. Currently, poodles are excellent pets and are also highly appreciated in dog shows.

El pug es de las pocas razas de perros que se originó por la cruza de otros perros, con el objetivo de ser un perro de compañía. Pero aún es incierto que clase de perros fueron sus ancestros. Algunas teorías mencionan que el Pug desciende del mastin masivo, mientras que otras plantean que sus antepasados son los pekinés. Lo que si es real es que los primeros pug nacieron en China, y fueron criados por la familia real o por monjes tibetanos. Posteriormente fueron llevados a Europa y finalmente a América. Son perros muy cariñosos, leales, juguetones y, en ocasiones, traviesos.
Dogs breeds that formerly had unimaginable jobs.

The breed has its origin in the German region of Rottweil. However, its history goes back to the time of the Roman Empire. At that time, the predecessors of the Rottweiler were used as protective dogs and to drive cattle. When the Romans arrived in the Rottweil region, their dogs crossed paths with local native dogs. The result of these crosses gave rise to the “butcher’s dog of Rottweil”, which was used to collaborate with the local butchers during the slaughter of the cattle. These dogs were responsible for controlling the most aggressive bulls and cows, facilitating the activity of the butchers. Due to their bravery, they were also used to protect properties.

Saint Bernard
This breed of dog, is one of the largest and most beautiful dogs that currently exist, its huge and abundant fur and its strength allows it to withstand extremely low temperatures. However, it can also be adapted to hotter climates. The origin of this dog is unknown, however, there is the certainty that since the fifteenth century the locals who settled near the Swiss Alps, used Dogs San Bernardo for search and rescue missions of people who went astray in the mountainous areas.

Siberian Husky
It was the Chukchi tribe, inhabitants of a village located in northwest Asia, who created the Siberian Huskies more than 3,000 years ago. The Chukchi needed sled-pulling dogs that could withstand the terrible inclement weather and help them in their nomadic life. To achieve litters that were really efficient. They selected them very strictly. In fact, the chukchis killed the specimens that did not show great vitality, while the chosen ones were treated exceptionally. In the early nineteenth century, this breed of dogs came to Alaska to participate in various races of sledding pulled by dogs, because they turned out to be very fast and resistant dogs.
Dogs breeds that formerly had unimaginable jobs.

Shih Tzu
The origins of the Shih Tzu are found in Tibet: this is where the first specimens were seen. Although times later the standard breed was developed in China, in the early twentieth century. It quickly became one of the most present mascots in imperial palaces and the most “precious” gift from monks to emperors. The breed was fully recognized in 1934. Once it reached the West. From then on, his fame grew with excessiveness: today, he is undoubtedly one of the most beloved companion and exhibition dogs in the whole world.

Yorkshire Terrier
The Yorkshire terrier, appears for the first time in the nineteenth century. When it begins to develop a small breed of terriers of easy maintenance for the hunting of rats. But it was until the year of 1860 when this breed of dog is officially presented. As we mentioned at the beginning, the Yorkshire terrier was used by the poorest social classes for the elimination of rat pests. Despite its tiny size. It was even used by many miners, because it was capable of killing many of these rodents. Later it was the British burghers who found in the Yorkshire terrier a sweet and beautiful companion dog and began to stop using it in hunting.
Dogs breeds that formerly had unimaginable jobs.