Educate your puppy to go to the bathroom in one place is often a challenge for a new leader of the herd, but the process doesn’t have to be stressful for the human or the animal.
Get your puppy to go to the bathroom in the right place
The truth is that this is a situation in which we have the help of Mother Nature working on our behalf to train the puppies. When puppies are born, eat and do their needs in the kennel, for example, the mother always cleans them.
There is never a smell of urine or faeces where puppies eat, sleep and live. When they grow up, they learn to use outside areas imitating their mom.
From two to four months of age, most puppies learn the concept of training for cage use and to do their needs outside quite easily, that is given, in part, by their biological clock.

A positive factor that is already incorporated into the dog
when it comes to training to make your needs is the canine digestive tract that is extremely fast and effective. Five to 30 minutes after the puppy eats, he’ll want to defecate. Therefore, with consistent meal schedule and attention to the clock, your puppy can keep regular trips to the bathroom.
In the first few days of training, you should also make sure the puppy has a place to do its needs where it feels safe, a place that looks and smells known. Have you noticed how dogs often do their needs in the same place they did before? The reason is because the smell acts like a trigger.
As always, remember that your own energy is a major factor in your training efforts.
If you feel nervous or impatient or try to rush a puppy to do its needs, this can also stress it. Using a loud or squeaky tone to encourage your puppy to “go to the bathroom” is a distraction for the dog, so try to avoid any kind of conversation.
Set a structure and follow it. Locate the place where your puppy should do his needs and every day in the morning take him to the same place, at the same time. Do the same every three or four hours and 20 minutes after the meal. Besides, if he’s been sleeping for a couple of hours, when he wakes up, he’ll want to go to the bathroom. It is extremely important that you be consistent throughout the process so that the puppy can incorporate the new habit.
When your puppy has done his needs successfully it is important to reward his good behavior.
It doesn’t need to be a huge, noisy celebration, simple quiet approval or a treat can get you the message that you’ve done a good job.
Do not punish your dog for an accident, nor do anything that can create a negative association with its bodily functions. Stay calm and positive, and calmly lead the puppy to where you want it to go.
If done correctly,
the dog’s training to do his needs should not be something turbulent but just a matter of putting some extra work so that his puppy gets used to a program during the first few weeks after his arrival at the house.
It does not allow the unnecessary tension over this natural and uncomplicated process overshadowthe joy around the puppy training process and the puppy stage of your dog. Educate your Puppy to go to the bathroom