Funniest Dog Fail videos to laugh a while!
It’s always fun to watch some doggy videos and that’s why here we have some funniest dog fail videos to laugh a whle, enjoy them!
“Get down from there you’re going to fall to the floor” How many times have we heard that they say that to a child?, although it also applies to a naughty puppy.
And if you are going to take your dog for a ride in your little wagon, but you also have another dog, it may not be so pleasant that you only walk one.
Have you ever seen a certain dog with all the style that travels as a passenger in the car next to you while driving and stopping at a traffic light?
Catching a freezbe is something they love, just remember that if you are going to take video, do not stay immobile in the trajectory of this.
Mopping the floor with your little one’s humanity ; while being pulled by your dog at top speed? I don’t think the boy likes it very much.
Play and jump two of the things they enjoy the most!
Jumping into the car to get into the trunk of a truck is always something they like to do, although sometimes because of the emotion they do not calculate their momentum well and end up being in the middle and fall to the floor.
Having small breed dogs is like if there is not much space at home and they can play anywhere like in the armchair, just hoping that one doesn’t make the other fall to the floor.
Sometimes they also like to help clean the kitchen, just remember that leaving them in charge of the dishwasher may not be such a good idea..
And as we have seen many times, they totally enjoy being able to run and play in the open field, so they are always aware of where they are going and do not end up tickling any member of the family.
Especially when they are small children who are there too; with a blow they can throw them several meters, auch!
It is also always a great adventure for them to be able to run and play in the snow, although sometimes the terrain limits their ability to stay on their feet and not fall flat on their faces!
For a puppy, just like a small child, jumping on the bed is something very fun, only it is not so much fun when they do not calculate well and end up falling to the ground!
Free popcorn I want!
If you have your bag of popcorn on the desk and your dog is nearby, do not be surprised if in an oversight he is already putting his face in the bag.
And apparently one of their enemies is always the armchairs; how many times we have not seen that they have fights with them? where they end up destroying them; a painful sight of them for your pocket
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