Tips for going with your dog to the beach. A few years ago the presence of dogs was not possible on the beaches. In summer sand and sun lovers had to look for alternatives to organize their beach holidays without their pets and often the solution was to leave the dog in a guard or at a friend’s or family member’s house.
However, in recent years the number of beaches that can be accessed with dogs has been increasing. This allows families to enjoy the beach with their pets. But it can also create some problems if the right measures are not taken to make sure there are no unforeseen events. In this article you will find what you have to remember to organize an outing to the beach with your dog.
Before we go out
Tips for going with your dog to the beach. Before organizing everything. It is better to check that the beach you plan to go to allows you to take your dog.
Do not forget to bring: the animals’ papers. Its water and drinker, also some prize to reinforce its good behavior and, if you are going to be out all day. Maybe you should also bring your food and the feeder.
Also carry a toy:
floaters are ideal for playing in the water. It is essential to remember the bags to collect your needs. Keep everything clean so that other people and other dogs can enjoy the beach is everyone’s responsibility.
To protect you from the sun a sun cream is recommended
And if you have delicate legs a pad protector is also recommended. Also, unless you’re sure you can sit in a shaded area, your beach team can’t miss an umbrella either: maybe you prefer to sunbathe, but for your dog it’s important to be able to rest in the shade.
When you’re on the beach

Tips for going with your dog to the beach. Once you arrive at the beach, choose a quiet place and worry about protecting your dog from the excessive sun: identify a shady place in case you need it and remember that you can use a sunscreen, especially in areas with little hair and little pigmentation. It is also preferable to avoid sun exposure during the central hours of the day when irradiation is more intense.
Under the midday sun, the sand becomes too hot and the dog can suffer painful burns on the pads and spaces between the fingers. Pad protectors will reduce the risk of this happening. However at this time it is best for the dog to be resting under the umbrella or directly not on the beach.
Make sure you drink water regularly:
you can offer it to him or you can leave his drinking near him. To keep it cool, store the water in a place protected from the sun. Drinking will help you stay hydrated but avoid giving you seawater because it can cause gastrointestinal problems. So watch out and don’t let him drink it.
Keep an eye on him at any time, especially if he’s going to take a bath. Playing on the beach, running or chasing a ball are ideal activities for summer: fun and refreshing, but not without dangers.
For the dog to bathe you have to choose an area with shallow depth and where there are no currents.
You still have to pay close attention especially if there are jellyfish or hedgehogs on the beach. In addition if the sea conditions are not safe (the danger flags will tell you) better to go down to the beach another day, especially if your dog is one of these who as soon as see the water want to go to bathe.
However, bathing in the sea does not like all dogs. If yours is one of these, don’t force him into the water. Bathing is not the only fun of the beach and if you want to get used to bathing you will have to do it in a more gradual way and taking advantage of some activity that you like very much, such as going to pick a ball. For dogs that don’t cool off by bathing in the sea, it may be a good option to pour water on them to help them regulate body temperature.
Like to bathe or not, it is better to prevent the dog from exercising intensely in full sun and without rest. Heatstroke is not just a risk for dogs locked in cars in the middle of summer: dogs can suffer a heat stroke even while on the beach. The risk of heatstroke is higher for brachycephalic dogs (i.e. flat dogs such as bulldogs, boxers or pugs) because they have the narrowest nostrils and the palate is so large that it can block the airways.
Also keep an eye out for broken glass, cans, hooks, or other sharp objects hidden in the sand. Don’t let the dog run uncontrollably in areas that could be dangerous.
If your dog likes to play with sand,
If, on the other hand, he likes to play on the beach digging holes. Pay attention so that no one hurts himself and plugs the hole before returning home.
Back home
Tips for going with your dog to the beach. A bath with fresh water will help remove the remains of salt and sand and help protect the skin and hair.
Take the opportunity to check the ears thoroughly and make sure it has neither water nor sand inside. If in the days after going to the beach your dog shakes the head and scratches your ears. You should consult your veterinarian: these may be symptoms of otitis.
Let’s hope that with these directions you spend fun days on the beach but remember that sometimes. The beach is not the best place to go with your dog: for example. If your dog has wounds or irritated skin, contact with the sand could make the situation worse.