How do I know if my dog is angry?
With the passage of time the coexistence between dogs and humans manages to create strong links that allow to know each other. After a few months we already get to perceive or sometimes sense the humor of our dogs.
They do it with their owners too, but in their case it’s thanks to their smell. They don’t need to do a thorough analysis of behaviors to know what humor their humans are in.
There may be certain occasions when you can perceive dogs to act differently compared to other days. Here we leave you some behaviors of your dog when he is angry.
Signs That Your Dog Is Angry
Avoid eye contact:
Experts say that when a dog is comfortable and happy it has no problem with looking its owners in the eye, so if your dog avoids looking at you or even ignorant, it is most likely upset.
Hide your tail:
This action reflects that your dog is on the defensive and you can check it after a scolding or punishment. If so, try to lower your tone of voice so as not to break the trust that has you.
It doesn’t happen with all dogs, but it’s the result of frustration and despair mainly when you stay locked up for a long time or away from your humans.

Constantly yawns:
When dogs yawn doesn’t necessarily mean they’re bored, tired or have dreams. Rather they are interpreted as signs of anger, discomfort or stress.
He licks his lips:
If your dog performs this action and there is no food nearby, it may be synonymous with discomfort. They usually do this when they are hugged by strangers or by children.
He stands still:
When the dogs are very angry they will stay in a rigid posture trying to challenge you, it is best to give them their space.
His ears show he’s not happy
When a dog’s ears hang back, along with a low head, closed mouth and tight lips, it can mean he’s mad at you, says April Olshavsky, coach and consultant at the American Kennel Club.
Stays behind the couch
Most people associate hiding with fear and, while that may be true, in dogs fear is also closely related to anger, Taylor says.
Coercing indicates a high level of stress, he explains. If your dog is trying to hide and escape, it means he’s overwhelmed. Your job as a pet owner is to keep you out of the situation before you react to what overwhelms you.
Urinate your shoes
Dogs can be very spiteful when they’re angry,” Olshavsky says. “The dog wants you to know that you’ve offended him, so he’ll do something he knows will provoke a reaction.
This means finding what you love (your new shoes, the couch cushions, your candy) and destroying them, leaving the evidence as proof of your anger. Instead of reacting angrily, make sure your puppy has many stimulating toys that he or she can chew every time he feels that destructive impulse, he adds.
How angry is your dog?