You have almost certainly decided to read this article because you are wondering why my dog is aggressive with other dogs? You should know that a certain level of aggression is normal in every living being; since aggression is an instinct that helps us survive in a world full of various threats and dangers. However, that a dog is aggressive with another dog is a serious problem that generates a poor quality of life and a state of anguish for its guardian. If a dog is aggressive, we can consider a behavior problem.
Genetically speaking, male dogs tend to be aggressive towards each other. Since, in this way, dogs establish the levels of hierarchy within their social group. However, there is a way to control this type of behavior in dogs; using positive training; instead of applying a punishment. It is important to mention that such training should be given since the animal is a puppy. However, this does not mean that a newly adopted adult dog cannot learn appropriate behaviors.
Do not stop reading as we will clear the question of why my dog is aggressive with other dogs? And how you can fix it.
Why is my dog aggressive with other dogs?
Canine aggression directed towards other dogs is a very common alteration of behavior in them and has as its origin.
This aspect plays a very important role about dogs. Although, it is true that all dogs have a certain level of aggressiveness when they are facing a threa. There are breeds of dogs (such as the rottweiler or the pit bull) that tend to be more aggressive, when they are not given a correct education
This predisposition to aggressiveness is due to the therefore, for thousands of years, their ancestors were used for combat; or in cruel activities such as fights with other animals, including bulls, wolves or even bears; solely for the purpose of amusing people. Or they simply see other dogs as a threat to them and their pack or family.
Poor socialization:
Another important factor that influences the aggressiveness of the dog is poor socialization or inadequate management by the tutor. Mainly in the first months of life of the puppy. Poor socialization is usually the main cause that explains why a dog goes crazy when he sees other dogs.
When a dog is diagnosed as aggressive, it is recommended that you get help from an animal health professional. Because this disorder can cause injuries to third parties.
Why does my dog attack my other dog?
In this case, the aggressiveness of the dog, is not directed towards a dog outside its pack. On the contrary, aggressiveness is against a member of your own group.

For genetic reasons, in general, all male dogs that are not neutered will try to establish the levels of hierarchy within their social group. And aggressiveness is the only way dogs know to establish who the leader is. While this inherited behavior is more ingrained among male dogs; this behavior can also appear among females.
This behavior does not disappear in domestic dogs that share practically everything, from the home, guardians (with whom they generate affective bonds) food, toys, resting places, etc. Therefore, it is very likely that at some point, both dogs, seek their social position through aggressiveness.
What to do if my dog gets aggressive with other dogs?
After understanding the biological basis of the origin of aggressiveness between dogs that live together or do not belong to the same pack; A question comes to mind: how to calm my aggressive dog?
Regardless of the corresponding pharmacological and/or surgical treatment indicated by the animal health professional; according to each particular case. It is always necessary to carry out a behavior modification therapy, being fundamental for the success of said therapy the active participation of the animal or guardians, and not leave the problem in the hands of third parties.
When dealing with aggressiveness between dogs, two different situations must be identified. The first is when the dog already exhibits aggressiveness towards its congeners and the second when the animal is a puppy and has not yet begun to exhibit that behavior.
Aggressiveness in adult dogs
If the dog is already an adult, our best advice is to go to an ethologist, canine educator or trainer with experience so that he can assess the animal and find the best behavior modification techniques for his case, yes, always with positive reinforcement.
For behavior modification sessions, it will be necessary for your tutor or guardians to also participate, and not only the animal health and behavior professionals.
Aggressiveness in puppies
The second situation would be ideal, since it is based on the upbringing of the puppy, preventing the inherited behaviors of aggressiveness from being exhibited and established. This is achieved by socializing the puppy with other dogs, inhibiting aggressive behavior when it begins to be expressed in the first few times and with the help of positive reinforcement.
In conclusion, any dog can stop being aggressive, with due attention from the tutor and proper training. This way you will stop worrying about the question of why my dog is aggressive with other dogs?
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