Baby Miniature Schnauzers. Schnauzer dogs are very cheerful, have bright eyes and are also very intelligent, affectionate and vigilant. They are also very loyal dogs. Surrender to their family in body and soul and distrust strangers.
For this reason, a very strong link can be generated between Schnauzer dogs with their owners. On the other hand, miniature Schnauzers are a strong, energetic, happy and playful breed. Its small body hides the character of a large dog willing to undertake long walks without getting tired and face all the challenges that come before it.
This breed of dog enjoys learning new skills a lot, because they are fast and effective in performing different tasks.
Their silver whiskers attract the attention of their own and strangers, along with their energetic character and boundless fidelity. They have the ability to give affection unconditionally. In addition, there are all sizes, starting from the powerful giant schnauzer and reaching the tiny miniature schnauzer.
Here you will find everything you need to know about the breed of Dogs Schnauzers and baby schnauzer puppies.
Origin of the schnauzer
Actually, you don’t have a written, accurate and unique record on the story of this dog. Most of the available evidence indicates that the schnauzer breed originated in southern Germany, between the 14th and 15th centuries.
Medieval life at the time required the use of a working dog. This was supposed to be a medium dog, agile and versatile, that was not only able to accompany traders or farmers on their long journeys, but also help them protect their loads and hunt rats on farms.
Where and how did the standard schnauzer originate?

It is believed that the first schnauzer was bred from a cross between the German black poodle, the gray wolfspitz and the wire hair pinscher. His physical appearance was very similar to the appearance of the pinscher, hence at first he was known by this same name: “pinscher wire hair”.
They were even regarded as the same race; however, the fact that his hair had a slightly different structure, led to him later being classified as a separate breed.
According to history, the 3rd German International Exhibition was held in 1879. This event recorded 3 pinschers of wire hair, the owner of which was in the name of C. Berger of Wurtemburg.
Interestingly, the winner of the match was a dog called “Schnauzer”, an event that gave rise to the famous name. Gradually, all dogs of this breed began to be known as schnauzers (meaning snout and moustache).
In 1895 the Pinscher-Schnauzer Klub was founded in Germany, consisting of a group of Lovers of the Pinscher breed who set out to homogenize it and create standard for it. This is one of the most outstanding milestones in the history of the Schnauzer since thanks to this you can see today high quality copies of the breeds that evolved from this first club.
What is the origin of the miniature schnauzer?
Like the original schnauzer, there are no exact records of the origin of the miniature schnauzer. But it is known that this variety of the breed. Was created with the purpose of having dogs with better rodent hunting skills, since the standard size dogs did not have as easy for this task due to its larger size.
The oldest known record speaks of a female miniature schnauzer, black, named Findel and born in October 1888.
In general, most sources agree that these dogs developed in the mid- and late 19th centuries in Germany. It is believed that it was by crossing the standard schnauzer with smaller breeds, such as miniature pinscher, affenpinscher and perhaps poodle or pomerania. In Germany, they are known as zwergschnauzer (zwerg means “dwarf”).
During World Wars I and II dog breeding was a rather difficult activity, particularly in Europe. Where some breeds almost got lost. But this did not end with interest in miniature schnauzers; on the contrary, his calf took strength after World War I, becoming a very popular dog.
One of the features that has changed the most since then is the color gamut. Currently, the fur of most miniature schnauzers encompasses different shades of black and silver, however at first you could find reddish, black, yellow and tanned specimens, among others.
Although in its origins this schnauzer was used as a watchdog and mouser as well as its ancestor. It gradually approached what we know today: a charming pet and a constant winner in dog shows.
How did the giant schnauzer come about?
Of the three types, the giant schnauzer was the last to develop.
Its origin is located in the Bavarian Alps in the mid-19th century 4, although others claim that the first giant schnauzer was obtained in the seventeenth century after a mixture between standard schnauzer, great Dane, German shepherd, doberman, Bouvier des Flandres and rottweiler, among others. The result was a smart dog and more climate tolerant, then known as Munchener.
Like the standard schnauzer, this dog was raised as a working animal, especially to move livestock from farms to markets. Later it was also used as a watchdog in different establishments.
- In Germany it is known as “riesenschnauzer”, whose meaning is giant snout.
- These dogs were trained for police work in Berlin and other German cities in the early 1900s.
- The breed was imported to the United States in the 1930s, however in the 1960s there were still fewer than 50 giant schnauzers registered on the continent.
- It’s not really a giant dog; its name only indicates that it is the largest of all schnauzers.
Other interesting facts about the schnauzer’s history:

- The schnauzer is depicted in numerous artistic works of the time in which its origin is framed. For example, a statue in Mecklenburg (Germany) dating from the fourteenth century. Which shows a hunter with a schnauzer crouching at his feet. He also appears in several paintings by the painter Albrecht Durer (1471–1528). In a 1501 tapestry by Lucas Cranach and in paintings by famous artists such as the Dutch master Rembrandt (seventeenth century) and the English painter Joshua Reynolds (1723–1792).
- It is believed that the breed first arrived in the United Kingdom and the United States around the year 1900. They were probably taken to England and the New World as a pet for immigrant families and travellers or merchants returning home.
- It is known that the German army and Red Cross carriers used the standard schnauzer as a watchdog during World War I. The soldiers felt great admiration and respect for the courage and spirit of these dogs.
- Initially there was the black schnauzer, and the salt and pepper schnauzer. But today we can find other colors, such as the silver black schnauzer and the pure white schnauzer.
- It is the most popular and coveted breed of schnauzer as a pet. Two of the many personalities who have had a miniature schnauzer are actor Bill Cosby and renowned martial arts master Bruce Lee.
Today it is a very popular breed in exhibitions held in New Zealand, Canada, Europe, South America, Japan, Taiwan and South Africa, captivating the hearts of fans of all these places.
Differences between the Three Types of Schnauzer
The Schnauzers are a very intelligent and sociable breed. But before you choose it as a pet, make sure which type of Schnauzer best suits your life.
As mentioned above, this pet has three different measures. Those smaller, also called miniature, those of standard measurement (which is the most common and known among all) and giants. Which are usually larger than those of the common measure. Here are the differences between these three types of pet of the same breed, and how to know which one best suits your daily life to find the ideal companion and best friend.
Schnauzer Mini

This dog is physically equal to the standard measurement. However, its measures are much smaller. The Schnauzer mini has a small body and a sufficient muscles. Almost as tall as long, it measures between 30 and 35 centimeters and can weigh between 5 and 8 kilos.
It is a small dog, compact, sturdy, almost square, with a rectangular head, V-shaped eyebrows that extend over the thick eyes and whiskers, and ears located at the top of the skull
The most common colors are usually grey and cream or gray and white. Although we can also find Schnauzer mini color only black or completely white.
He is a very intelligent dog, affectionate and sociable. Therefore, if you have a small apartment and want a dog that is not very scandalous, the Schnauzer mini will be the best choice for you.
In addition, because of its small dimensions, you can take it with you everywhere.
Like any other dog, these specimens are prone to certain health problems, including liver disease, kidney stones, diabetes, eye problems and skin disorders.
Keep in mind that, thanks to its small size, you can easily gain weight, hence not overfeeding it is so important. His life expectancy is 12 to 15 years.
Standard Schnauzer
Also known as medium, it is characterized by being a sturdy dog, with rough and long hair that normally cuts very short on the body and is left long in the area of the legs, tail, beard and eyebrows. Originally this haircut was a benefit for hunting. As the animals tended to bite the dog in the area of more hair without realizing that they were not actually hurting him.
This tradition has been maintained to this day, as the fur of this breed is still being cut in the same way. The colors are the same as in the case of miniature Schnauzers. But the standard Schnauzer measurement are much higher and more robust. Its measurements range from 45 to 50 centimeters, both tall and long. And usually weigh between 12 and 20 kilos.
This dog can also live in a city apartment, rather than in a large house. But the owner should be aware that this pet needs a lot of activity.
His way of being
The medium schnauzer is especially intelligent and fearless. Not for pleasure usually serves as a therapy dog, search and rescue dog. And even as a cancer and explosive detection dog. At the same time it is an excellent choice as a companion dog and family pet. Because it is also very sociable and playful. But has a tendency to bark a little more, because the guardians of the house feel. It will be entirely up to the owner to make the dog understand that he should not bark as much and, as he will always try to please him. It is likely that he will not bark too much. The standard Schnauzer measurement is usually more resistant to diseases than miniature, but in general it is a fairly strong breed.
Common health problems include hip dysplasia, hemophilia, bladder stones, and tumor development. Still, he has a life expectancy of 15 years or more.
Giant Schnauzer
This is the largest variety of the three Schnauzer sizes out there. The giant Schnauzers were expressly created to care for the animals on the farms. Pets of this size have a stronger temperament than the other two smaller ones and are excellent guardians.
In addition, its large proportions, between 60 and 70 centimeters to four legs and its between 35 and 40 kilos. Make it an animal that shows more respect to those people or animals that wanted to attack the farm.

Today this giant Schnauzer size is excellent for being a watchdog and needs to live in large houses, preferably with garden. In an apartment, it is very likely that the dog and its owners will feel unhappy.
This measure, the giant Schnauzer, is also smart and sociable. But you have to be careful because you need time to get used to strangers. As it was devised as a watchdog it is very territorial and can be unfriendly at first with other dogs or humans.
The giant schnauzer is a dog that requires a lot of training and exercise.
But with the right person you can become a big pet. If you decide to have one at home, you should be prepared to dedicate quality time, from puppy to adult stage.
Common health problems include epilepsy, hip dysplasia, certain eye conditions, thyroid disease and cancer. However, these specimens have a long life expectancy, 12 to 15 years.
Therefore, before choosing the schnauzer’s size you should take into account what the dimensions of your home are. What you want the animal (for example, as a watchdog or life companion on a small floor). The amount of time you can spend on the day with the rides and if you want to be able to take it with you everywhere.
Only in this way will you find your canine best friend and you can be happy both covering your needs and giving you all the love and respect as a great family.
Is the white miniature schnauzer a different type?

Due to their rarity and growing popularity, many wonder if these specimens are considered a different type of schnauzer dog from the usual miniatures. The answer is no.
White schnauzers are due to the presence of a double recessive gene. They are not albinos, nor are they the result of the crossing between schnauzers and westies dogs. This mutation is considered almost exclusive to miniature schnauzers, as there are virtually no giants or white standards.
There are different types of white, for example:
- A colorless specimen is a dog with pure white fur. These are born with the nose, mouth and pink pads, but then change to a more natural or base tone.
- A true target is one with a black nose.
- There are also other variations, such as silver white, yellowish white and false white, whose fur is a toasted color at birth, but it becomes clear over time.
The theme of the different colors of schnauzer, and in particular white, is a matter of debate among clubs, breeders and lovers of the breed. Many breeders claim that white miniature schnauzers are produced naturally, and should therefore be fully accepted.
They are currently recognized by the International Cynological Federation as one of the four miniature schnauzer colors. However, they are not yet accepted by several clubs, who question whether the origin of white variation is associated with the genes of the breed originally recognized as schnauzer. Or whether it was the result of subsequent modifications
How do I know if a miniature schnauzer is original (purebred)?
Checking the specific characteristics of its appearance. Such as the size, weight, body structure and color of the layer, is usually not enough to ensure that one of these specimens is purebred.
For a definitive answer and to know if a dog schnauzers mini (or other type of schnauzer) is original, it is recommended to:
- Ask for the evaluation of an experienced veterinarian. Veterinarians usually know very well the different breeds of dogs. Getting a detailed assessment of the physical characteristics, temperament, fur and possible color marks on the dog, can help you get out of doubt.
- If you are buying a puppy schnauzer, ask for information about your parents’ pedigree. This is one of the best ways to know if your pet is purebred or not.
- Do a DNA test. There are companies that offer kits to analyze canine DNA. Simply follow the instructions for use, send the necessary samples and wait for the results thrown by the laboratory.
The Character of the Schnauzer
Thinking about raising a schnauzer puppy? As householdmates are popular all over the world. Especially now the Miniatures, as they are loyal, cheerful, vigilant, playful. Affectionate and so intelligent that they are often described as “the dog with a human brain”.
It is important that given their energetic character, sometimes somewhat territorial and stubborn. They receive a correct socialization and education from puppies. They have a great curiosity and taste for learning from a very young age. So they enjoy learning: it is important that we “feed” their intelligence so that they do not get bored, especially in the Miniature. Which can become more boisterous than their older “brothers”.
Keep reading below to know all the details about the personality of the schnauzer breed, there is no denying that the size of the dog has some influence on its character and behavior.
Some of the most important features to consider about the schnauzer’s personality are:
If you are looking for a totally peaceful dog, which you only need to feed and walk from time to time. Then you should consider other breeds. The schnauzer likes to be involved. Loves being at the center of things. It is a dog that reaches its full potential when treated as part of the family.
He’s not considered a 1-man dog. While it’s true that you can have a favorite person, you can also easily accept all family members. It is normal for you to show devotion to your nearest circle of interaction.
This dog is very attached to its social group, even if its strong character makes it seem sometimes entive.
He loves to play, especially with children, with which you will have to exercise caution given the explosive side of this can.
Take it easy
Indistinctly of its size, it is dedicated, courageous and lively, but it is not unruly and has a very balanced character that allows it to adapt with serenity to various situations.
Their skills vary depending on their size (as a companion dog in the case of the miniature breed and as a guardian for the standard and giant breeds). In general, they are versatile, resistant, energetic and balanced dogs that learn easily to perform and perform other types of activities.
Although at the time it was used by German families to wipe out pests of parasites and other insects, this dog, formerly known as Hard-haired Pinscher, no longer possesses predatory instinct.
Fearful/suspicious of strangers
It remains on constant alert to strangers, with which it is cautious and takes as long as necessary before making contact.

He is very close and faithful to his social group and even more to his master. However, it is rare to find specimens that suffer from excessive attachment, as they know their place in the family and conform perfectly to the moods and lifestyles of their members.
Tolerance to loneliness
If the Puppy Schnauzer is accustomed from an early age to loneliness, he will have no problem enduring the absences of his owners.
The same will not happen if a progressive and positive learning method has not been established to teach him to cope with moments of loneliness, or in the event that these go too far without the dog being able to vent.
Despite being a vigilante, he never barks for no reason, reinforcing his efficiency as a watchdog.
However, as we mentioned above, although there are similar traits between each of Schnauzer’s breeds, it is also true that each of them have very particular characteristics depending on their size. Here are the most important ones.
Miniature Schnauzer Personality
Miniature Schnauzers tend to be playful, intelligent, happy and energetic, they will want to become the target of the attentions of the whole family. They are also very affectionate, committed and docile.
Without a doubt, this is not a breed for those looking for a sedentary lapdog, as it is a very active puppy that requires some owners with a way of life according to their needs of activity.
Although small in size, miniature schnauzers need a generous dose of daily exercise. A minimum of a couple of walks and some little play a day keep them in perfect physical and mental condition. Something they also need is the frequent company of the family so they are not dogs that must remain too long alone. A factor to consider before adopting a puppy of this breed.
Standard Schnauzer
Being the standard, this specimen exhibits the classic temperament of the breed. He is a hardworking dog, intelligent and sociable. Who enjoys family life but who continues to give himself his own personal importance.
The inherited characteristics of his ancestors make him an excellent watchdog. It is territorial; won’t be left alone if you notice there’s something or someone new around. Normally, he starts barking to warn his owner.
The standard schnauzer is naughty and very smart. He learns fast and likes to like. That’s why it’s commonly used as a therapy dog. Likewise, his courage, stamina and spirit of work have led him to become another member in search and rescue groups.
Giant Schnauzer
Compared to the standard, the giant schnauzer usually has a more reserved nature. But this does not mean that it will remain calm without proper stimulation and exercise. When you don’t get the right care, you can develop restless, destructive behavior.
This does not take away from being known for being a dog of strong character. It is able to identify weaknesses in its owner, and will take advantage of it whenever possible. Not for taste it is always recommended to maintain a firm and constant training during the breeding of this breed.
It is becoming increasingly common for families to have a miniature schnauzer as a pet. For this reason we have decided to focus our attention on the health care of this breed of dogs.
Schnauzer Miniature Health and Care
Miniature Schnauzers are often in good health, although they may have some race-specific problems, such as high blood fat levels, inflammation of the pancreas, diabetes and bladder stones.
It is energetic and even athletic whatever its variety. You need at least two long daily walks in the city or in the middle of nature.
In the house you can also carry out stimulating activities on an intellectual and olfactory level: intelligence or entertainment games, olfactory carpets, candy search, play hide-and-seek, etc.
It can also excel in many sports disciplines, if you train frequently.
Feeding is a crucial factor when it comes to a dog’s health and appearance. When they are puppies, and once the weeding stage has been reached, the best food will be the one that meets all the nutritional needs so that it grows and develops properly and with energy. Get a good quality dry feed that is the basis of your diet, among those that you will find in the market within the junior range, and you will see all your expectations met.
Once you reach adulthood, you can continue to feed it with a similar feed but of the adult range that adapts to the nutritional needs of the breed. Such a feed will ensure that your puppy is kept at a proper weight.
The coat of the Miniature Schnauzer is hard, rough and short, with a thick lower mantle. It is necessary to brush all the fur at least twice a week. Manual removal of dead hair or handstripping is mandatory in contest copies, although snuffing this clever family dog is quite fast and easy, although the color of the body pales over the years.

Travel / ease of transport
The giant Schnauzer will obviously be more difficult to carry than the standard and miniature variants. In all cases, if the Schnauzer puppy is accustomed from a young age to travel with his back, he can easily follow them on all his journeys.
Hair loss
Although it is equipped with an abundant sub-hair, its moults are very moderate, even imperceptible, especially if your hair is shaved and trimmed assiduously.
Dental hygiene
As with the rest of the members of the small breeds, oral hygiene is the great workhorse of them. If not correct, the buildup of bacterial plaque and tartar will be guaranteed. Resulting in problems from uncomfortable problems such as bad breath or halitosis to more complicated ones such as infections that may come to compromise the health of your furry companion.
If you don’t want this to happen, go familiarizing it from puppy with regular tooth brushing, a habit that won’t be to your liking but that will tolerate better if it’s a constant in your life from a young
Basic care
The longevity it reaches will depend heavily on the care that is dispensed to a dog.
Although the hygiene of any dog is a determining factor for its optimal relationship with the family. In the case of small dog breeds it is even more so. Since these little ones enjoy passing from one arms to another. In any case, the hygiene of these puppies does not need specific care that is too thorough, which makes daily life much easier.
Bathing and drying
The fur of a miniature schnauzer is softer than that of its older brothers, the standard and giant schnauzers, which makes it easier for hair to get tangled frequently. The moulting hair and knots must be removed before bathing.
There are products in the canine styling market intended to untie the knots that you will apply on which you cannot untangle, while continuing to brush your puppy while the product is taking effect. Then you will unraify these knots with the comb that you usually use for it.
Vaccines and antiparasitic treatments
No owner should allow your dog’s health to be compromised by not giving you the doses of vaccines that the veterinarian recommends. To do this, it is best to give this professional the vaccination card that you will receive at the time of adopting your pet.
On the other hand, fleas, ticks and intestinal worms will also not be able to proliferate in your little boy’s body if you place the pipettes and antiparasitic collars that the veterinarian tells you to.
Once you’ve read the above information, it’s time to decide whether the
Schnauzer, it’s the best alternative for you and your family. That’s why we’re giving you more information about baby Schnauzers.
You have to calculate about $350 dollars, approximately for a copy with pedigree. Descendants of more exclusive lineages can reach selling prices of up to $1000 dollars. With the giant Schnauzer being the most expensive, above the miniature Schnauzer and standard Schnauzer.
We also recommend that you purchase your baby Schnauzer, mainly in hatcheries or in its default, in pet stores, because it is much safer for your baby Schnauzer to be healthy or have no congenital problems, because these places are regulated by law and baby schnauzer puppies are unlikely to
Be very careful with “baby miniature schnauzers for sale” ads that you can find in street markets or online outlets. These options may be interesting to you because most offer much more attractive prices. However, this is possible, due to the deplorable conditions in which dogs are normally found and therefore there is a high probability that your baby miniature schnauzer, will have many health problems, which will make you suffer throughout your life.
How to care for baby schnauzer puppies?
Continuing with the theme of the article in which we talk about the care of the Schnauzer during pregnancy, once the bitch has given birth. It is necessary to check what state the puppies are in, making sure that there is no health problem. The easiest way to do this is through weight, as they must double it within 10 days of life. Birth weight is not as important as the evolution that puppies follow during the first few days of life.
Room conditions

The temperature and humidity conditions of the room where they are located are very important, since if they do not meet problems can occur in the development of the puppies.
Therefore, the following must be fulfilled:
- Humidity should be between 55% and 65%, to avoid dehydration.
- The temperature should be adapted to the lifespan of the puppies. Keep in mind that they are not able to tremble until three weeks have passed. So we must be the ones who have to make sure that the temperature is correct. Specifically, in the first week of life it must be between 30oC and 32oC. The second between 26oC and 28oC and it is not until you reach the third week where you can reduce it to 22oC.
If Mother Schnauzer has enough milk to feed her little ones, meeting the above conditions, you won’t have to worry, as the most normal thing is that everything goes smoothly.
Supplemental food
From the month of life of the puppies, if there has been some previous problem, the milk production of the female begins to fall and the puppies need more. Therefore, from the third week it is advisable to start giving them a supplement to their mother’s diet.
In this respect there are two options:
- Buy puppy-specific porridge.
- Buy puppy feed and mix it with water. Heating it a little will create a texture similar to porridge. This option may be more recommended for the little ones to adapt gradually to what will be their ultimate diet.
Veterinarian visit: dewoparasiation
Both mother and small Schnauzers need to follow a vaccination schedule to get too often dewomb. The best thing in these cases is to go to the vet who will tell you when you have to come back. These vaccines are essential so that the puppy can go out on the street and be in contact with other dogs, go to the park…
How to educate a schnauzer puppy?
If you are thinking of acquiring a schnauzer puppy, you should know that proper and early training is an important requirement. Because of his intelligence, this dog learns very quickly and retains most of the things he learns.
Unfortunately, that can include negative behaviors, hence sometimes a consistent and firm direction is needed, without becomes abrupt.
Don’t be surprised if a schnauzer tries to push and cross boundaries. He can rule the house if you let him!
Keep in mind that it can be stubborn and often bored easily. If training doesn’t meet your expectations, you’ll start learning whatever you want independently.
So, we want to give you five tips for you to start training your puppy Schnauzer.
Show him from a young age
Schnauzer dogs must be educated from a very young time. Although it is possible to teach them tricks and training when they are older. It is important to show them the basic tricks from an early age.
Schnauzer dogs are more receptive when they are puppies and what they learn from a young time will be a teaching that will last them a lifetime.
Train your puppy not to over bark
Barking should not be deleted in its entirety, because it is a warning sign and is a way in which they communicate.
Teach your dog to socialize and let him go for walks and meet many people to prevent them from become territorial and aggressive.
Use rewards
Schnauzer dogs must have an education based on quality rewards for the result to be positive.
They love to eat, and if you use cooked chicken, turkey or beef you may notice how the progress of training activities are real.
Finally, make sure you don’t smell, or see the rewards before you start training, as you’re going to be totally distracted.
Show him important tricks.
Miniature Schnauzers are more restless and pay much less attention. It’s basic to teach him how to come to you, in case he doesn’t bring his leash.
You can educate him, as we mentioned, with quality awards and over short distances.
Remember that this exercise is important, because if it escapes or runs, you can call it at any time. Make sure the exercises are kind and never punished.
Don’t pay too much attention
Some may have separation anxiety issues, so try to keep it entertained and with games while you’re not at home.
Try not to pay attention when you are too excited because you can become a very dependent puppy.
In conclusion, having that trainable temperament requires its owner to put new challenges on it. You need to get involved in games with a certain level of complexity (with people or other dogs). Discover new smells, landscapes, as well as perform tasks that stimulate your instincts and your great curiosity.