Dog Training Tips

Curiosities that you may not know about dogs

We already know that the dog is the best friend. But since when has this special relationship occurred? Scientists who have dedicated themselves to studying this species of animal, have found information that the close relationship between dog and man is at least 15,000 years old. And in all this time, we have learned many things about them, although it is possible that there are still curiosities that you may not know about dogs.

Intelligence of dogs

A dog is as smart as a two-year-old. Did you know that dogs comprise approximately 250 words or gestures? Very similar to what happens to a 2-year-old. That’s why it’s so common for dogs and young children to enter into a close relationship.

Great hearing ability.

Dogs can hear 4 times more than humans, as they have a large hearing capacity. This is because dogs have more developed the part of the brain that allows listening, therefore, they are able to perceive sound frequencies that are imperceptible to humans.

Dogs reach adolescence in their first year of life.

Experts have confirmed that dogs physically develop very quickly during the first twelve months of life. Therefore, when they reach their first year of age, their physical development can be compared to that of a 15-year-old person. This will also depend on each breed. Usually, large dogs age faster than small ones. On the web you can find some calculators that help you know more accurately the age of your dog.

The sweat glands of dogs are on the paws

Another of the curiosities that you may not know about dogs is that they sweat through their paws since they have their sweat glands between the pads of their four legs. Therefore, it is not strange that they leave a wet trail of their footprints when they go for a walk during a hot day.

Is able to miss you.

It has been proven that dogs are able to learn routines and habits, so they can calculate when it is time to go for a walk, the time to eat, and even know when you get home, after work. There are even studies that show that dogs act differently when their owners were absent for different or longer periods of time.

Curiosities that you may not know about dogs
Curiosities that you may not know about dogs


Detect your feelings…

According to various studies, dogs can detect subtle changes in our smell, which helps them understand how we feel (for example, if you sweat, it can interpret that you are nervous or restless). They also claim that females are able to detect if a woman in the family is pregnant.

His whiskers help him see in the dark

It’s not about night vision; but it is true that thanks to their whiskers they can detect subtle changes in air currents, which gives them information about the size, shape and speed of nearby things. Thus, they can better perceive the proximity of some danger, even if it is at night.

They have an incredible sense of smell.

Depending on the breed, dogs have between 125 and 300 million olfactory glands, compared to humans who only have five million. In addition, the part of the dog’s brain that controls the smell is forty times larger than ours. That’s why dogs can perceive smells a thousand to ten million times better than we humans.

Some dogs don’t bark

Another of the curiosities that you may not know about dogs is that there is a breed that can not bark; more specifically the breed called Basenji which is native to East Africa. This dog only emits a curious sound. For that reason, this breed of dog has been widely used in hunting.

Dogs are able to detect cancer

Numerous studies have confirmed that dogs can be trained to sniff and detect cancer or other diseases; due to its incredible olfactory capacity.

Dogs’ noses are equivalent to their fingerprint

If dogs had to identify themselves with a footprint they would do so through their nose because it is unique and unrepeatable in each dog. The police use this to know if a criminal’s dog has been at the scene of a crime and thus catch it.

Dogs can fall in love

Another of the curiosities that you may not know about dogs is that their brain releases oxytocin, known as the love hormone, when it sees its owner or other dogs. On the other hand, it was also discovered that dogs can feel jealousy when their owners are with other animals or people.

They don’t see everything in black and white

That dogs see only in black and white is a great myth. Dogs are able to perceive colors, but they are colorblind; that is, they confuse red and green. This is the conclusion reached in an investigation carried out by Marcello Siniscalchi. The researchers explain this fact to the fact that dogs have evolved from animals that hunted at dawn and dusk, situations that do not require color vision.

Dogs are born deaf and blind.

All puppies come to this world blind and deaf. During the first two weeks of life, your eyes and ears are sealed. So they perceive the world through touch. By the third week of age, their eyes and ears open, giving them a whole new way of feeling life.

More than 65% of the world’s dogs are strays.

Several studies indicate that there are approximately 600 million dogs in the world; and it is estimated that 400 million, approximately 65%, are stray dogs or end up abandoned in shelters where they spend the rest of their lives alone. Or even, they get to be sacrificed for lack of space. For that reason, it is vital to encourage the culture of canine adoption, and sterilization; with the aim of reducing this alarming number of dogs in street situations. And to ensure that a future, every furry in the world has a home and a family that gives him all the love they deserve. New way of feeling life.

These were the curiosities that you may not know about dogs. Now you have more reasons to adore these furry canines.



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