There are many myths surrounding whether it is bad or good for dogs to sleep with us. Some doctors suggest that this habit can lead to allergies or illness in people. Other doctors maintain that it can be a positive thing, as long as we have the necessary hygiene of our pet. Here we are going to present some pros and cons of sleeping with your dog
What do the experts say?
A study from Canisius College in Buffalo, New York suggests that, for women, dogs are the best sleeping companions, even more so than cats or other people, because it gives them a sense of protection.
However, another study conducted by the Mayo Clinic in the United States indicates that it is preferable for dogs to sleep in the same room, but in their own bed. Since in this way they do not interrupt sleep when moving and give security to the people who sleep with them.
Other factors to consider.
To know if it is really beneficial for the dog to sleep in bed with you it is necessary that you consider several factors: the cleanliness of it, the size and the space of the bed that is available.
If it is a small breed dog, clean and also only one person sleeps in bed, it will be much easier for both of them to sleep together without bothering each other, and will allow a restful sleep.

However, in the case of larger dogs, which go out longer to the garden, or if you sleep with someone else, you could analyze how convenient it is for them to sleep in the same bed with you.
Additionally, there are specialists who say that sleeping with a pet can decrease the sexual activity of a couple and this can cause problems in the long term. This is why it is advisable to teach our dogs to sleep in their own bed, even if we let them climb on ours occasionally.
On the other hand, sleeping with a dog can be extremely beneficial for people with anxiety or problems at the time of sleep, such as nightmares. This can help adults and children get more rest and more pleasant dreams.
Keep the habit of sleeping with a dog positive
Is it bad to sleep with your dog? As we mentioned at the beginning, this habit can be positive if hygiene measures are maintained.
Hygienic measures not only serve to prevent you from getting sick, but will also take care of the health of your furry friend.
Take care of your pet’s hygiene and avoid:
1. Problems related to your pet’s skin.
2. Eye infections.
3. Ear infections.
One of the simplest and most effective ways to take care of your pet is to bathe him when the time is right.
Taking your dog to a veterinarian to perform this type of service will never cease to be a good option, but remember that you can also do it yourself and it could even serve to relax.
Another important point that you must take into account when deciding how often you should bathe your dog is the environment. If your dog is most of the time at home and you live in the city, you could bathe him every six weeks on the other hand, a dog that lives in a country area should bathe at least once a month.
You should also consider the type of coat your pet has. If your dog’s breed is short-haired, it will need fewer baths than a long-haired one.
Once you finish bathing your dog, we recommend that you reward him with one of his favorite treats. In this way, your pet relates the habit of bathing to a pleasant experience and, therefore, will remain calm in future bathrooms.
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