You are0 wondering why my dog washes my hands; that means that there is a high emotional bond between the two. In the same way, it has a similar meaning; if the dog lices another part of your body such as the face, feet, etc. However, sometimes this behavior in a dog becomes even obsessive, causing guardians to wonder why my dog clups my hands? And in this article we will try to answer this question, keep reading!
Why do dogs lying you?
The origin of licking behavior in dogs is innate; and derives, in a way, from the behavior of wolves.
We know that wolves go hunting in packs, and often have to travel great distances to find their prey; away from their lair where the wolves that are still puppies are sheltered.
When the herd has had a successful hunt, the animals eat voraciously and ingest as much feed as possible. This behavior is possible thanks to the reality that wolves have a kind of bag in their stomach; which allows them to store the food consumed, without being digested in its entirety.
When the wolves return to their burrow; the cubs rush out and excited and begin to compulsively lick the snouts of the adult hunters. These incessant licks generate in the adult animal a reflex that induces the vomiting of the food swallowed previously, and that is when the puppies begin to feed.
Finally, this licking behavior is maintained even when the puppies grow, as it is a sign of respect and submission for the most senior members of the group. This is the real origin of the “kiss” of dogs
Why does my dog wash my hands?
Knowing the origin of the licking behavior of dogs does not end up explaining why they do it with some certain people and with others not. In many cases, this behavior is inherited by their ancestors; and at other times, the same guardian teaches his pet this behavior. But let’s see what it means for a dog to thread your hands:
He loves you:
One of the main reasons why a dog things its hand is to demonstrate the affective bond it feels towards its human guardian. Even if they do not feel that it is a “kiss”, as we humans understand it; they do know that it is a behavior that we like, so they will continue to do so.

He wants to get your attention.
If your dog feels like you to be threaded, he will do so whenever he wants to get your attention.
It’s scary of you.
When the dog lices weakly and carefully, it can mean that he is afraid of you, and in this way he demonstrates his submission.
It cleans you:
dogs are very clean animals, and the way they clean themselves is through licking. If you have dirty hands, your dog can lick them to clean them as a sign of affection on his part.
It wakes you up:
If you’ve fallen asleep and your dog needs something, like going for a walk, he can try to wake you up gently by licking your hand, face, or feet.
However, you should keep in mind that if your dog doesn’t wigpe your hand or another part of your body, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel affection for you. There are other ways your dog can show you his love.
How to prevent a dog from thing his hands?
If you want your dog to stop licking his hands, you must start a process by which your pet unlearns this behavior. The first thing you should do is stop rewarding that conduta; but never punish your dog, because that can provoke a negative reaction.
If after a while your dog continues to lick your hands, we advise you to go to a specialist in canine behavior.
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