Why does my dog bark too much? Barking is the natural system that all dogs have to communicate with other living beings and to express their positive or negative emotions. And trying to completely suppress a dog’s barking is practically impossible. It’s as if you weren’t allowed to say any words for the rest of your life. However, in some cases, a dog’s barking can be too excessive, which becomes an undesirable behavior that can generate various problems at home, with the family, neighbors, or with other dogs. If you identify with this situation, and you are wondering why my dog barks too much? And what can I do to fix it? In this article you will find relevant information that will help you reduce this behavior in your pet.
It is important to recognize that some dog breeds tend to bark more than others, and this is due to one genetic predisposition. For example, Chihuahuas, Spitz, Pugs, Appenzell Cattlemen or German Shepherds are more communicative by nature. Compared to breeds such as the Great Dane, the St. Bernard, the Eurasier or the Irish Wolfer who tend to be quieter.
Why can a dog bark too much? And what to do about it?
There are several reasons why a dog can bark excessively, here we present the most common reasons and what you can do to mitigate this behavior.
The dog is excited.
There are dogs that are more expressive or excitable than others. They are usually very active, and get excited in the presence of loved ones or other dogs with whom they have an affinity. And this enthusiasm is expressed through barking.
If your dog barks only when he is excited to see you or when he sees one of his canine friends, allow him to bark, it is a way to express the affection he feels for you and his loved ones. As soon as the excitement passes, your dog will regain his calm.
The canine pet is stressed, frustrated or bored.
Dogs that feel that all their basic needs are not covered or that do not perform various activities such as going for a walk constantly, or do not play with their owners; they will quickly fall into a state of great frustration or boredom. And they will take advantage of anything insignificant to create a drama and bark like crazy; and thus, to be able to vent a little the excessive energy they have accumulated.
In this situation, you should know that companion dogs also like to be tested physically and mentally. Therefore, you should implement activities, such as taking long walks, playing with the ball, tracking lost objects, and learning new tricks. These activities will bring variety into your life. There are also various canine sports that will provide your dog with the necessary balance.
In addition, the activities you do with your dog reinforce the bond between both parties. Dogs that are physically and mentally exercised have more inner peace. They are more serene and stop barking excessively.

The dog has socialization problems.
Dogs that did not socialize correctly when they are puppies, generate fears before certain stimuli of the environment that surrounds them, such as objects, noises, people or other dogs. And they respond by barking.
When this happens, the first thing you should avoid is forcing your pet to interact with other dogs or people if he doesn’t feel comfortable. Encouraging socialization and play with other dogs is critical to their well-being. But forcing it can lead to aggressive behavior and its barking is combined with bites.
Your dog feels lonely
Dogs, by nature, are social animals, accustomed to living together in packs. If your dog spends a lot of time alone, he may tend to bark excessively to express his discomfort.
We understand that, for work reasons, you must leave your beloved pet alone for several hours, And you can not stop working, why, then who will buy the kibble of your furry friend. In this case, what you can do is get some interactive toys, with which your dog can be distracted for a few hours.
Complement your games with music. Currently, there are many videos on YouTube you will find videos with natural sounds that help relax your dog. There are even internet radio stations with specialized music for dogs that are left alone at home.
The dog is afraid
If your dog has suffered a traumatic experience, he may have internalized the fear of certain situations or attitudes. This causes that, when he feels threatened, he uses his barking recurrently to manifest his sense of danger.
If your dog barks out of insecurity or fear, the first thing you should do is show your pet that you have everything under control. You must build a relationship of trust between you and your pet. This task is not easy, and it takes a lot of time and dedication for your dog to understand that you are capable of facing any threat. In the same way, you should avoid petting your dog when he is barking out of fear, because you can convey that he is acting correctly; and therefore, you reinforce this behavior.
Another suggestion that we can give you is that when you observe that some element or situation causes fear in your dog, try to distract him with something he likes a lot, you can give him his favorite toy, or play with him for a while.
Your dog wants to protect you.
Dogs, by instinct, tend to protect their loved ones at all costs; and when they see a latent threat, they will bark louder to alert their owners to the possible risk. This behavior, to some extent, is good. Because if some intruders want to get into your house to steal, your dog will warn you immediately and you can do something about it. However, on certain occasions, a dog’s sense of protection can be exacerbated. And anything consider it a threat and start barking uncontrollably. For example, when the postman comes to deliver your correspondence.
In this case, it can also be reduced, if you apply the socialization process since it is a puppy. This way you can adapt to the things that happen around you every day and you can differentiate when something abnormal is happening.
Barking from diseases
In rare cases, behind the barking of dogs hide chronic pain or other ailments related to a disease. If your dog has generally been calm and suddenly begins to show this behavior frequently, we recommend that you go to the veterinarian to rule out any disease, before starting to teach your dog not to bark all the time.
Is it any use to take my dog to a dog school so he doesn’t bark much?
It is relatively simple for a puppy to learn to bark only when necessary, if given proper training. However, if it is a larger dog, it will require more patience.
That is why we recommend you seek the help of experts, who offer personalized assistance for dogs and caregivers. A visit to a canine school, veterinarian or canine therapists has helped many people to achieve a more harmonious coexistence between dogs and their owners.
We hope that with this information we have cleared the doubts about why my dog barks too much? And what do I do to fix it?
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