Do you suspect your dog has fleas? It is normal that sometimes your dog feels a little itchy and scratches. However, if you notice that he repeats this behavior constantly and intensely, he may have fleas. These nasty critters become a real nuisance for your dog. And they can even cause other problems. If you suspect that your dog has fleas, continue reading because we will explain how you can detect fleas in your dog and effectively treat this problem.
What are fleas?
First we will tell you that fleas are small insects that can be between one and six millimeters long. They have no wings; but they have strong legs that allow them to jump relatively long distances. In addition, they have a special mouthful with which you can chop and suck at the same time. They are usually brown in color and feed on the blood of their host. These parasites frequently occur on the skin and hair of mammals and birds.
There are more than two thousand species of fleas; being the most common species: the Ctenocephalides feliz, the Ctenocephalides canis, the Pulex irritans or Pulex simulans, the Echidnophaga gallinacea and the Archaeopsylla erinacei.
How do fleas reproduce?
When a flea has a life expectancy between fifty and a hundred days. In addition, a female flea is able to lay up to thirty eggs per day, These eggs will become larvae, then pupa and finally adult fleas and the cycle is restarted. In general, fleas lay their eggs when your pet is resting. For that reason, they can fall into bed or other places where the dog usually is. If the larvae have already passed to pupae, they can survive about a year in the cocoon in unfavorable conditions, such as low temperatures.
How do fleas reproduce?
When a flea has a life expectancy between fifty and a hundred days. In addition, a female flea is able to lay up to thirty eggs per day, These eggs will become larvae, then pupa and finally adult fleas and the cycle is restarted. In general, fleas lay their eggs when your pet is resting. For that reason, they can fall into bed or other places where the dog usually is. If the larvae have already passed to pupae, they can survive about a year in the cocoon in unfavorable conditions, such as low temperatures.

Other dangers of fleas in dogs
Because dogs with fleas scratch or bite with great intensity, skin alterations can be caused, such as small holes in the skin that are often infected with bacteria or fungi, which should be treated immediately with antibiotics supplied by a veterinarian. Fleas can also cause anemia, because they feed on your pet’s blood. Finally, if the dog ingests the occasional flea when grooming, parasites develop in the intestine.
What are the symptoms that dogs have from having fleas?
The main symptom that you should take into account is that your dog scratches or bites intensely and repeatedly the ears, back, base of the tail, belly and inner thigh as they are the preferred areas of fleas.
Another symptom is local skin reactions, such as red dots. In addition, more intense reactions can cause pustules and scabs. Many times fleas can be seen with the naked eye, however, this is not always the case. Therefore, you should look for flea feces.
Place your dog on a smooth and clear base for example in the bathtub. Comb the hair thoroughly, if possible with a narrow barbed comb. If there are feces of fleas, these are stuck in the comb. Pick them up with a white cloth and moisten them; if they are flea feces, red spots will form on the cloth, it is the digested blood of your dog.
How do we get rid of the hateful fleas?
To remove fleas effectively, you need to do the following.
On the one hand, you must fight adult fleas. For this case, there are in pet or veterinary stores several products, such as pipettes, which are applied between the shoulder blades of the animal, as well as esprΓ‘is and antiparasitic collars. Also, remember that fleas can transmit parasites to your dog’s intestine, so after fighting the infestation, you should consider a deworming.
On the other hand, if your dog has fleas, examine and treat the other pets you have. You will also have to treat the whole environment to eliminate the young stages of fleas. Pay attention to soil cracks, carpet bases and other dark areas in which the larvae take refuge. You must vacuum the whole house and even the car. And wash with very hot water the cushions and blankets. And to reinforce the cleanliness you can treat the environment with antiparasitic sprays or nebulizers. Remember that these critters nest in fabrics, such as carpets, cushions or sofas. And they can survive a long time in the pupal stage
Is there a method of prevention against fleas?
To prevent flea infestation, you can treat your dog preventively. For this there are the same means that are used to combat them, that is, pipettes, sprays and necklaces. Keep in mind that most dogs contract fleas after being in contact with other animals outside the home. Unfortunately, in the rooms of the house reign the ideal conditions for the development of fleas.
Do you suspect your dog has fleas