Interesting facts about the breed of dog Saint Bernard. Currently there are many breeds of giant dogs and one of the best known is the Saint Bernard. In fact, its popularity increased greatly due to the release of the film Beethoven in the early nineties. A story in which the exciting adventures of a dog Saint Bernard and his human family were told.
The dog Saint Bernard, is characterized by being affectionate and good-natured; he loves to play and feel loved. However, this breed of dog is not recommended for all family environments. Because it requires some special care and a large and open space, where you can play and feel free.
If you are seriously considering integrating this dog as part of your family, we recommend you continue reading. We will give you interesting facts about the breed of dog Saint Bernard
Origin of the breed of dog Saint Bernard
For sure it is unknown what is the exact origin of this huge dog. But there is a high probability that it descends from the Mastiff of Assyria, which is more than two thousand five hundred years old. That means we’re talking about one of the oldest dog breeds in the world.
The ancestors of the dog St. Bernard, were used by the Greek and Roman armies, due to their incredible endurance and ability to work in very unfavorable climates.
Already in the fifteenth century, this breed of dogs was spreading through the Swiss Alps, where monks used it as a defense against bandits and for search and rescue missions of people who went astray in the mountainous areas.
Physical characteristics of the Saint Bernard breed
As we mentioned at the beginning; the Saint Bernard is considered as a giant breed of dogs. This is because it can reach up to seventy centimeters in height; and weigh between seventy and ninety kilograms; in addition, it is muscular and vigorous.
The coat of the dog Saint Bernard is soft, medium-sized and usually combines two colors; The white and red or white and yellow brownish, sometimes, has some black spots. St. Bernard puppies have fluffy hair, resembling plush doll.

Its head and snout are quite large, therefore its imposing jaw stands out, therefore, it has one of the strongest bites of the species.
Character and behavior of the dog Saint Bernard
And continuing with interesting facts about the breed of dog Saint Bernard. Now we will tell you a little more about the character of this dog.
Despite imposing size, the St. Bernard is one of the most noble, affectionate, playful dogs that exist on earth. He loves his family unconditionally and is therefore unable to harm any member of it. And he hopes that that love will be reciprocated, that is, one of his main priorities is to feel loved.
It is also a very intelligent dog, observant and with a high protective instinct. If you notice someone trying to harm your family, you won’t hesitate for a moment to defend it.
With a good socialization from puppy and a basic education, it will adapt very easily to the family nucleus.
It is important to mention that these dogs are an excellent option to live with children; because he is always willing to play and have a good time with them. He would never intentionally harm a member of his family, so children and St. Bernard will form a great team. However, you should always keep in mind that sometimes children are naughty and that the dog is quite large, therefore, you must maintain some vigilance when they play, to avoid an involuntary accident.
Tips for the care of a dog Saint Bernard
Other interesting facts about the breed of dog Saint Bernard are the basic care that you must provide to your pet. In the first instance, you should keep in mind that it is too big a dog that needs a large space. At least a garden or a patio where you can play quietly.
In addition, you must take him out for a walk every day, this is necessary to keep his physical and mental state healthy. Preferably, take the walks at times when the heat is not so intense (in the mornings or in the afternoons). Otherwise, your dog, may get sick, because it does not withstand the high temperatures.
Another important fact is that the San Bernardo is not a dog with which you can exercise daily because due to its large size it will not be able to follow your step.
You should also take into account that the puppies of San Bernardo grow very fast; so you must be prepared with the type of food you will provide, since it must be of good quality, to take care of your weight and your joints.
Some other recommendations for the care of a St. Bernard.
Do not forget to brush it every day to remove dead hair, dirt and possible parasites. Clean your ears and eyes at least once a week to avoid any type of infection.
Never forget to meet your vaccination and deworming schedule, this is essential for the good health of your beloved dog.
Finally, the Saint Bernard is a respectful and friendly dog, although due to its large size it will be totally necessary to educate it correctly and teach some training classes. If we have adopted our Saint Bernard when he is a puppy, the ideal is to socialize daily so that he gets used to being and playing with other dogs, people and animals. But if the dog came home as an adult, the same system will be repeated, but we will keep the dog tied until we know its temperament.
Basic education consists of letting you know your place in the family, learning to respect certain rules necessary for a healthy coexistence. It is always important that you understand some orders such as “No” and “Still”.
Now if you are already better prepared to have this beautiful breed of dog in your home.