Before introducing you to the dog breeds that enjoy better health, you should know that the well-being of our pet depends, to a large extent, on our attention; ensure that our furry friend has a good diet and that he performs the necessary exercise adapted to his size and requirements of the breed. Do not forget to take your dog to the veterinarian periodically and provide good training to stimulate his intelligence and take care of his mental health.
If you’re seriously thinking about adopting a dog, you can consider one of the following options. Next, you will know the breeds of but that enjoy better health.
Not only is it one of the smartest breeds, it is also one of the longest-lived, thanks to its small size and good health. In fact, if you receive the care and attention you require, you can reach the age of 20, as your life expectancy ranges between 18 and 19 years. Make sure that he receives a diet appropriate to his size and that he walks enough, since physical exercise, adapted to his race and needs, is a fundamental pillar of good health.
Australian Shepherd
This athletic and agile animal is free of most of the diseases that afflict other breeds. For example, bone or skin problems, which are the most frequent among dogs. If you are well cared for, fed, and get the exercise you need, you can live to age 15. He is also a good companion, agile, energetic and protective.
Australian Cattle Shepherd
This species is also in very good health. In addition, it stands out for its great intelligence, agility and endurance. He has no history of serious illness and can live to age 13 with proper training and preventive care. It requires at least one hour of daily exercise. And, if possible, you will be happy to participate in agility programs, as it is an animal that likes to jump.
Border collie
It is an excellent choice for those people who have already had dogs and are not beginners, and who also enjoy a very active life; because the border collie is an animal that needs to do a lot of exercise and be very stimulated so that it can develop its full physical potential and intelligence. Regarding its health, it is usually very good and with few genetic problems. Their life expectancy is around 14 years.

Mongrel dog
It has always been said that the mongrel dog is one of the best in health, they also have fewer hereditary diseases, unlike some pure breeds. Keep in mind that a mongrel dog is not a hybrid breed. That is, mestizo dogs are the product of the crossing of other mestizos without human intervention. But hybrid breeds try to get a new breed from two already known to be recognized by a canine society.
German Pincher
This robust and muscular companion animal will give us few problems if it is well cared for, since its breed usually enjoys enviable health. The pincher can weigh up to 20 kg and its life expectancy is around 14 years. It is a very lively and playful dog that will not hesitate to accompany you for many years. Of course, you will need to do a lot of exercise, basic for a good state of health.
Springer spaniel
It belongs to the group of hunting dogs and, among them, is one of the longest-lived and with the least serious hereditary diseases. It also stands out for being a very intelligent animal, which is easily trained. Enjoy with the company of its owners, to whom it will try to please and obey. It is not recommended that you live a sedentary life, because you may have behavioral problems.
After reading the dog breeds that enjoy better health, you already have more elements to decide which dog you are going to adopt, but do not forget that any furry friend who enters your home deserves all your love and protection
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